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Curd voters can swing the Ruler’s race in New Jersey

The Digital Call Organization with Crypto has released data indicating that the functions of the encryption policy for candidates in the Ruler’s Race in New Jersey for 2025 can determine the result.

According to a notice on March 6, standing with Crypto said that about 62,000 people have been registered with the organization in New Jersey, indicating that voters who suffer from anxiety thinking can play a role in the ruling state elections in November. During the last race in 2021, Democrat defeated Phil Murphy Jack Seatarley with about 84,000 votes, with more than 40 % of registered voters.

Da`wah Group Absolute The results of a poll for February between 400 of its members in New Jersey, which showed that 63 % were more likely to vote for a supporter candidate in the ruling state elections. Data showed that 17 % of individuals in the poll said they would not vote for a co -metropolitan candidate.

“Crypto played a major role in the 2024 general elections, and with nearly two -thirds of the encrypted vote, indicating the preference of pro -Rabat candidates, he is preparing to be a major factor in 2025 races as well,” said John Anksalon, a research partner, who conducted the poll.

Checks affects the American elections

During the 2024 session, the PAC Verchakaki – which is funded mainly by Ripple and Coinbase – spent approximately $ 131 million to support candidates in the preliminary elections and general elections, many of whom went to win their seats. PAC continued to raise funds for the mid -206, indicating that she intends to continue to influence the US elections with encryption funds.