“Crypto Mom” weigh Pearce at Mimi currencies
SEC Siddiq Power Commissioner Hyster Pearce, which was called “Crypto Mom”, OPINED Many current metal currencies do not fall under the agency’s scope during an interview with Bloomberg.
“There are many people who present coins at the present time. The facts and conditions are important. We always have to look at the facts and circumstances, but many coins that are most likely do not contain a house in the Supreme Education Council,” Pierce said.
Congress as well as the CFTC Creating Committee (CFTC) encouraged the treatment of this issue.
like It was mentioned by u.todayBloomberg recently estimated that the possibilities of the approved investment funds this year are 75 % due to the fact that the largest Mimi currency is a commodity.
“Freedom of the Far”
During the interview, Pears also confirmed that it was “the utmost freedom.”
Commissioner criticized the previous SEC leadership for putting many road barriers for players in this field who were trying to deal with the Supreme Education Council. This approach was described as “very frustrated”.
“All I ask is that we have an innovation policy that allows people to innovate that allow people to experience new things,” Pierce said.
like It was mentioned by u.todayPEIRCE has led a newly -established workmanship in a newly established currency industry that aspires to create clear rules for the encrypted currency industry.
SEC is also in the process of significantly reducing the encoded currency application, as its rank is reduced to the IT Department of the Agency Technology Agency.