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Charlie Gavis in Frank gets a trial from Mark Rawan from Apollo

  • Charlie Gavis started calling on the defense witnesses on Thursday in the JPMORGAN fraud trial in New York.
  • The first is Mark Rawan from Apollo, an early investor and a member of her website, Frank.
  • Rawan praised Javis and Frank, and he witnessed that he had little participation in the JPMORGAN inclusion process.

The Frank Charlie Gavis Foundation began its defensive case with some fireworks in the JPMorgan Chase on Thursday – describing the billionaire of private stocks, Mark Rawan, to the witness’s position.

The founder of Apollo Global Management and CEO told Manhattan that he was an early investor and a member of the Frank Board of Directors, explaining that he admired the prospects and leadership of students.

He said when asked about his first impression of the young businessman, who was in his mid -twenties when they met in 2017.

Rawan was wearing a black suit and a white shirt – without a tie – and sprayed a bottle of plastic water as he was talking. Ho and Javis and wide smiles were exchanged waves while he was leaving the court hall for the lunch vacation on Thursday.

After the break, Rowan had to continue under the interrogation of Javis’s lawyer, Christopher Tayyak of Queen Emmanuel Orkharrt and Sullivan.

Rawan has witnessed that he was not directly involved in the JPMORGAN 2021 incorporation in the fraud case center.

Federal prosecutors say that Gavis and Defense Olivier Ammar, the second leadership in Frank, conspired to deceive JPMorgan – the country’s largest bank – to pay $ 175 million to the site.

By lunch break, Rawan was not asked about the claim that Javice and Amar claimed that Jpmorgan claimed that Frank has personal information about 4.25 Frank users – university and secondary school students who were interested in marketing accounts and credit cards.

He remembered that on the first week of August 2021, he talked with Javis about the stampede to meet the JPMorgan demands before buying to check the student data set in Frank.

The two talked about “how it overwhelms the company in responding to this data request,” as witnessed.

Rawan started his testimony by describing his first participation with the start of the Javis.

“It was really at the beginning of his journey.”

He said that the two had been presented through one of his colleagues, who attended, such as Rawan and Javis, School Warton.

Although he remained along the ARM on the Jpmorgan deal, Javis participated with him an early victory in the negotiations. As part of the merger negotiations, it had one on one with the CEO of Jpmorgan, Jimmy Damon.

“I reported a very excited meeting with the CEO,” said Rowan with a smile.

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