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Chainalysis warns that the encrypted fraud that is driven by artificial intelligence may reach $ 15 billion in 2025.

Closed lock above credit cards.

The analysis platform on the series warned a series of coded currency fraud over the next year with the support of artificial intelligence.

According to a report on February 13, fraudsters of artificial intelligence uses the creation of realistic fake personalities, the treatment of victims with Deepfake technology, and widespread automation of fraud campaigns.

Supports the slaughter of pigs operating in Amnesty International

These technologies have led to a noticeable increase in the revenues of the encryption fraud, especially when it comes to defrauding swine slaughter.

These fraud operations include bad actors approaching the victims, most of them on social media platforms, falsify friendships or romantic relationships, and gain their confidence slowly before defining them with doubtful investment opportunities.

In 2024, swine encryption fragments achieved 40 % of revenues on an annual basis, while the number of deposits increased by 210 %.

On the other hand, the average deposit sent to the fraudsters decreased by 55 %.

A series is estimated that the fraudsters are now targeting a larger group of victims and choosing fast fragrances on long negatives.

With Amnesty International, such fraud has become “developed and affordable for bad actors to procedure.”

Elad Fouks, the head of fraud products, says Genai, Genai inflated fraud by making them “high -cost, low -cost, and very developed”, allowing the fraudsters to “use human weaknesses” more effectively.

He warned that the use of artificial intelligence allows the fraudsters “impersonating the personality of the real users and overcoming controls to verify identity”, which makes their plans more difficult to discover them.

Nearly 85 % of fraud operations now include fully verified accounts, according to Al specerver, a fraud discovery company that the analysis chain has gained.

Fouks warned of more and more fraudsters use Genai to create “realistic fake content, including websites and menus, for fraud in energy investments, purchasing fraud, and more.”

Through this technology, the deceptions can implement the authorized payment fraud as the victims agree without the knowledge of transactions under allegations, believing that they are sending money to legitimate companies, investment platforms, or even friends and family.

Huione guarantee helps the fuel fraud

Chainalaysis has also warned that platforms like Huione Laurantee, the Cambodi market that provides illegal services, makes Genai technology within the reach of bad actors.

The report indicated that services such as AI Face Change are available to $ 200.

Between 2021 and 2024, HUIOINE guaranteed the treatment of at least 375.9 million dollars of fraud transactions, while artificial intelligence service sellers increased 1900 % in revenue.

The growth of Hyion’s fraudulent sellers. Source: Series

“Platforms like Huione ensure that the ecosystems of fraud and professionalism, and highlighting the ongoing and adaptive nature of these illicit activities, added.”

The report continued that more than $ 12 billion was lost due to coding fraud in 2024, however, the analysis platform expects this to rise during the next year.

Taking into account the average annual increase of 24 % in the revenue of fraud between the reports periods, a series predicts that total fraud losses may exceed $ 15 billion in 2025.

AI-Ei’s encrypted fraud can reach $ 15 billion in 2025.

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