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Certik Exec explains how to keep the encryption safe after $ 1.4 billion in BYBIT

February penetration against Bitbet Tamuliz through the industry was sent after the Lazarus Collective Group in North Korea was stolen of $ 1.4 billion from the central stock exchange, which was received by the North Korean Lazarus Group, in what was the most expensive encryption theft ever.

The repercussions of hacking have left many people wondering about the error, whether their money is safe, and what to do to prevent such an event again.

According to Blockchain Security Center, the huge theft represented nearly 92 % of all the losses for February, which witnessed an increase of approximately 1500 % in the total incompatible from January as a result of the accident.

In episode 57 of the Contilligive Agenda Podcast speaks, Jonathan Dyong and Ray Salmond hosts with Certik’s chief business official, Jason Jiang, to break up how to penetrate BYBIT, the repercussions of exploitation, and what users and exchange can do to maintain Crypto Archence, and more.