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Crypto News

CBI cracks on the Gainbitcoin fraud in India, with the seizure of $ 2.75 million in the encrypted currency

In the strongest step ever to reveal the process of the cocoon-cocaine-which it claimed to have organized it by Amit Bharafwaj (the deceased) and Ajay Bharadwaj, the Central Investigations Central Office, the Central Investigation Agency in India, conducted raids in at least 60 sites throughout the country that were ranked nearly $ 2.75 million. My curiosity to learn more details? Read?

The Central Bank of Iraq seizes 2.75 meters of encryption in raids at the country level

in press releaseThe Central Bank of Iraq recognizes the rumors that they have conducted raids in nearly 60 locations across India regarding the issue of the nefarious fraud – which were transferred to them to conduct a detailed investigation by the country’s Supreme Court, which is the Supreme Court in India, after registering multiple first information reports across the states.

Reports indicate that the raids were conducted in many major cities, including Delhi, Bonnie, Nandi, Colyfor, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Shandigar, Mohali, Jansi and Hopley.

According to reports, many important evidence, including 121 documents, 34 laptops, solid tablets, 12 laptops, many email dating dumps and immediate messages during the raids.

The press statement from the Central Bank of Iraq confirms reports that many documents and electronic devices that were seized during the raid.

More importantly, reports indicate that the Central Agency has seized encrypted currencies of at least $ 2.75 million during the raids.

Gainbitcoin: How did you defraud investors

In 2015, the notorious Gainbitcoin Ponzi chart was launched. As mentioned above, it was claimed that Amit Bharadouf (the deceased) and Ajay Prading played an important role in organizing this fraud scheme.

Like every successful Ponzi chart, the Gainbitcoin chart also attracted people with a huge monthly return. Investors promised a 10 % amazing monthly return on BTC investments for 18 months.

Initially, do everything smoothly. Of course, the fraudsters have helped attract more victims. The multi -level marketing model has completed its growth and expanding it significantly.

The collapse began when the clouds were turned suspiciously into an encrypted currency at home, MCAP.

In 2018, Amit BHARADWAJ and his team, including Ajay Bhradwaj, Nikunj Jain, and Sahil Bghla, were reserved regarding fraud, and they were produced in front of a special court.

Multiple fir programs were registered throughout the country with regard to fraud in a very short period of time. Given the severity and nature of the crime, the Supreme Court ordered the Central Bank of Iraq to launch a detailed investigation into this matter.

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