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Crypto News

Bybit suffers from a penetration of more than $ 1.4 billion in ETH

In a developing story, the BYBIT exchange has been suspected of more than $ 1.4 billion. This comes after a Zachxbt report on the series about ETH flows from the exchange of encryption.

Bybit suffers from a penetration of more than $ 1.4 billion

The BYBIT exchange seems to have suffered from the penetration, which included more than $ 1.4 billion. Onchain Sleuth Zachxbt has reported suspicious flows more than $ 1.4 billion from Top Crypto Exchange and listed certain addresses that were receiving these ETH external flows.

Meanwhile, the encryption exchange also reported an unauthorized transfer from ETH from its cold portfolios due to the accounting user user account accounts. However, the clients assured that other governors have been safe.

in X postBYBIT Ben Chu CEO confirmed the hacker. He revealed that the ETHIG Cold Ethiig portfolio has moved to its warm wallet. Zhou added that it seems that the infiltrators photographed this specific deal because all the two positions saw the US user interface, which showed that the correct address and URL was from the safe platform.

However, according to him, the signature message was to change the logic of the smart contract of their ETH Cold wallet. As a result, the infiltrator took control of the specific ETH wallet that they signed and transferred each eth in the cold wallet to an unidentified address.

Zhou confirmed that all other cold governor is safe. At the same time, he pointed out that all the withdrawals were normal and called on any team that could help track the stolen money to cooperate with them.


Boluwatife Adeyemi

Boluwatife Adeyemi is a writer and editor of the encryption news that covers the topics that exceed Defi, NFTS, smart contracts and the interfering operating capacity in Blockchain, among other things. Boluwatife has a talent to simplify the most technical concepts and make it easy for the novice encoded. Outside of writing, he is a thirsty basketball lover and part -time.

Responsibility: Is market research before investing in encrypted currencies? The author or post does not bear any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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