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Trump’s tariff may increase the exacerbation of the fentanel crisis

  • The Trump administration says that the definitions of Mexico and Canada will limit the flow of fentanel to the United States.
  • An expert warns to damage that the customs tariff may increase excess doses by disrupting drug supplies.
  • Canada plans to definitions of revenge, and targets goods from the Trump political base.

President Donald Trump presented a tariff for Mexico and Canada as part of an attempt to combat drug trafficking, but the lawyer -reducing lawyer says that stopping the regular flow of drugs can make excess doses of height.

Trump announced on February 1 that he intends to put a 25 % tariff on Mexico and Canada. Trump said at the time that the customs tariff was aimed at conducting a drug and border policy, especially to stop the flow of fentanel to the United States.

Trump stopped the customs tariff for 30 days on February 3 after the two countries agreed to monitor the most striking border monitoring, but it still promised the “mutual tariff” on the goods imported from any country that meets the definitions of the United States.

In jobs on the social truth, Trump stressed that “the drugs flow in our country, most of which are through Mexico, at unprecedented levels.”

Laura Joseman, Executive Director of the National damage to reduce national damage, told the Trump tariff could make excessive doses of drugs rise if it succeeded in slowing the flow of illegal drugs to the country. Reducing damage generally indicates policies and practices that aim to reduce negative, social and legal health effects of drug use.

“The biggest fear that I went through when I saw negotiations to postpone the definitions, immediately, my reaction was,” This will not be useful for people who are affected by both war on drugs, but also through this polluted offer with polluted, Joseman told Bi.

Joseman said that although the rate of entry of fentanel into the country is a good idea, there is still a large amount of fentanel that is produced inside the United States that ends in the streets. She said that disrupting the flow of medications can create a position in which addicts mix medications that they do not usually use, which may lead to health risks and death. She said that mixing drugs can lead to drug contamination, as people may take drugs that they do not know or do not realize that they are taking it.

“What happens is more dangerous, because after that, the mixtures are the type of mixture, what is mixed with it, exposing people to the danger not only overdose of opium, but also increases the anesthesia that results in death.”

Joseman said it is common for them to see damage to damage nails on the death of an overdose in cities after the local police remove drugs.

Joseman said: “They are divided, start arresting, and they say how much fentanel was confiscated, and soon we start seeing mutations on the death of the extra dose.”

Apply “All eggs on the ban”


People who walk in the past are anti -race campaign stickers in Mexico City.

Yuri Cortez/AFP via Getty Images

She was also criticizing Mexico, saying that the government needs to do more to recognize the continuous fentanel crisis that affects both countries. Joseman said that there is “denial” from the administration of Mexican President Claudia Xinbum from “Fintanel’s flow from the border.”

Xinbom said in a statement on February 3 that Mexico rejected the Trump administration’s claims that Mexico colluded with criminal organizations.

“If the United States government and its agencies want to address serious consumption of fentanel in their country, they can combat the sale of drugs in the streets of their main cities, which they do not.”

Naluxon, a drug used to reflect excessive opium doses, is a controlled substance in Mexico, where a drug with a psychological effect. Joseman said that the country’s refusal to get to know the Naluxon as a life -saving medicine shows that “it puts all eggs on the objection and denies the fact that fentanel also takes life on the other side of the border.”

Although the Trump administration tends to trade in Fintanel as a leading reason for its new definitions, they sometimes fought to defend it.

At “Meet The Press” in NBC on February 2, I asked Christine Wilker, Minister of Internal Security Christie Nayyim, why Canada was exposed to a more severe tariff than China.

“Why is the United States punishing Canada, one of its closest allies, more than China, where fentanel arises?” Wilker said.

“We have sent a message this week that we will not only impose our southern borders,” Nayyu said. “We will put additional resources in those northern borders as well. So Canada needs to come to the table.”

Customs and US Border Protection acquired more than 21,000 pounds of fentanel on the Mexican border last year, according to the agency. The agency seized 43 lbs of fentanel on the Canadian border.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also announced revenge definitions if Trump’s tariff enters into force. Some well -known goods target Trump’s political base, which cover elements like Florida Orange and Kentucky Bourbon.

The White House immediately did not return a request to hang from Business Insider.

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