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Brazil leads Latin America with a historic approval of XRP ETF

Brazil made history as the first country to agree to a XRP (ETF) exchange box, indicating its increasing impact on the encryption market.

The box, which is run by Hashdex, will be available soon on the B3 Stock Exchange, with the supervision of the Genvention Investmentos.

XRP ETF is approved in Brazil

According to a report By Portal Do Bitcoin, the new ETF XRP was approved by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Committee (CVM) which was officially established in December 2024. It is currently in its early stages. Although the official launch date is still unknown, Hashdex assured investors that trading details will be announced soon.

Approval highlights an increasing institutional interest in XRP and promotes Brazil’s position in adopting digital assets.

The country has already strengthened its position as a major player in increasing the cryptocurrency in Latin America. It has also seen a great growth in terms of institutional investment. In late 2023 and early 2024, transactions with more than one million dollars grew by approximately 48.4 %, amid increased interest from the main financial entities.

As I mentioned earlier, the country is occupying Argentina in the total value of the cryptocurrency that was received, which amounted to about $ 90.3 billion between July 2023 and June 2024. Stablecoin’s dependence is also strong, as Brazil represents 59.8 % of the area’s treatment during the same period.

Xrp etf in the United States

The latest development appears to be a natural progress for the country, given its history in supporting the investment funds circulating in Bitcoin and a positive regulatory system. This approval also coincides with the increase in Spot XRP ETF applications in the United States, where the Securities and Stock Exchange Committee (SEC) is currently reviewing proposals from companies such as 21shares, BitWise, Grayscale and Coinshares.

According to Fresh Visions From Polymark, there is a possibility of 80 % that SEC will agree on XRP ETF in 2025, which reflects high confidence between betting. This projection is significantly higher than the 65 % possibility that was appointed by Bloomberg Erik Laoonas and James Sevart.

Besides XRP, monitoring of securities in the United States also recognized the immediate traded investment box applications that include other Altcoins, such as Solana and Litecoin.

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