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Bloomberg analyst explains why Crypto’s performance is “impressive”

Joe Wessana, participating in “Odd Lots” Podcast on Bloomberg Podcast, OPINED The performance of the cryptocurrency market is actually “impressive”.

This comes after the X user indicated the fact that the maximum coded currency market has almost changed compared to 2021.

Although the maximum Bitcoin market has witnessed significant growth over the past year, the maximum Altcoin market has been largely stagnant.

Ethereum dominated a significant decrease, as it decreased to approximately 10 %.

With what is said, it seems that Weisenthal, known as an enthusiastic encrypted currency, believes that Crypto’s performance is still impressive given that 2021 was the peak of retail -based mania.

This obsession began in 2021 with Gamestop madness. New SPAC deals also appeared as a new madness for speculation. 613 Spacs completed the amazing subscriptions of subscriptions that year.

Meanwhile, DOGECOIN (DOGE) became talking about Crypto while NFTS was adopted by celebrities and major companies.

Although some altcoins are still far from 2021 peaks, they were much better compared to most Spacs.

For comparison, most Spacs decreased by 80 % or 90 % lower than public subscription prices.

As U.Tode mentioned, the cryptocurrency market witnessed a severe correction earlier today, as some of the main trokens lost about 15 % in one day.

However, the total ceiling of the coded currency market is about 3 trillion dollars, according to Coingecko data.

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