Bitcoin to $ 120,000? Max Keizer falls the prediction of epic prices
With the signing of the documents for the American strategic Bitcoin reserves, the price of the main encrypted currency witnessed a large sale, and lost moments of 4.9 % in just one hour. It is not the reaction that the encryption community expects, but it seems that the old market base “buying rumors, selling news” is still alive in 2025.
The markets are not forgotten their own habits. Psychology works deeply and repeated patterns. Some merchants saw an opportunity, took profits and let the crowd wonder what the next.
What can be expected after that is the question that makes the participants in the encryption market scratching their heads extensively, as in the first table for the first encryption in the White House today. It can be a space for potential manipulation and high -risk positioning.
Anything can happen that feelings can swing quickly. Some will speculate, others will hedge. But it seems that one thing is certain: exactly no matter the direction, the fluctuation will come.
For Max Kaiser, there is no hesitation. The trend is clear. Thus, his expectations showed one of the most early missionaries of Bitcoin (BTC), in a recent publication, to clear, announced that Bitcoin would reach $ 100,000 in the next few hours. This is somewhat ambitious, given that the BTC price is currently adapted from 13.37 % less than the six -numbers mark.
However, confidence like Keizer’s is not unusual in encryption – some see it too much, and others are as a two. What is more amazing in Keizer’s prediction is his invitation to BTC to $ 120,000 in March. This means a new rise at all, something that the market has not seen since January.
It should be noted that Bitcoin’s long -term view of Keizer is $ 220,000. Therefore, the last price prediction may not be the final station at all. Some believe that, some reject it. But the market? The market will decide.