The first wave of the distinctive symbol was a lost opportunity

The distinctive symbol provides a scheme for commodity markets, as it solves real problems.
Opinion: Arthur Bartman, co -founder of Tezos
In 2019, enthusiasm was washed on the financial world under the “Distinguished Code of Security” (STOS). The idea was clear enough: representation of traditional securities – bonds, stocks, or even organized products – on Blockchain, which may reduce the costs of issuance and expand the scope of expansion. It was the primary focus on the basic market, as it released the distinctive asset corresponding symbols in the real world. Some exporters saw it as a rear office operations cheaper, while others believe that the distinctive symbol will open the new investor rules by taking advantage of some newly charged with Crypto who may want to diversify.
As dust settled, however, the results felt disappointing. While technology provided marginal savings in costs, most symbols did not offer a real jump forward. Why? One of the reasons was that the exactly packed securities that are offered lacking excitement or unique properties required by the encryption mobilization, who were attracted to fluctuations, advanced technology and alternative assets. The intended “distribution channel” of the encryption wealth was a mismatch of resistance: the producer and the public were not in line with.
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