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Federal Reserve Chairman Powell breaks silent

During a conversation hearing In front of the Senate Banking Committee, Powell said that the Federal Reserve will help to end Debanking.

Senator Cinemia Lomes (CokkePoint 2.0), an alleged voltage by federal banking organizers to strangle the coded currency industry.

Powell said he was “injured” in the increasing number of cases that seem to be Dephaning.

“I and my colleagues and I and my colleagues were shocked by the increasing number of cases of what appears to be religious,” he said.

However, Powell stated that he could not adhere to the removal of anyone.

Powell Lomes told the Federal Reserve in the process of removing another line of supervision after Lomis criticized some internal directives about encryption in a hearing about “Debanking” that occurred in January.

No hurry to cut prices

Powell told legislators that there is no impulsion to control the policy of Stance because the American economy remained strong.

He has warned that the implementation of more price cuts in the near future may hinder the progress of the central bank in fighting inflation.

like It was mentioned by u.todayThe Federal Reserve left the interest rate unchanged after its meeting in January.

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