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Crypto News

Can Bitcoin solve the American debt crisis? VANECK visions provide

The tool, provided on Vank websiteIt allows users to calculate whether BTC can help solve the American debt crisis.

The two main components of the tool are the US National debt calculator and a bitcoin reserve value.

Currently, US debt is $ 36 trillion. The US National Debt Calculatory Calculativity shows that if the debt grows at an annual growth rate of 5 %, it will reach 116 trillion dollars by 2049.

As of now, the bitcoin price is 98,269 dollars. The US Treasury calculator shows that if BTC prices rise at an annual growth rate of 25 %, the 1m BTC reserve value will become about 21 trillion dollars by 2049 – or approximately 18 % of the US expected debts.

The general account indicates that if the United States creates a strategic reserve BTC in accordance with Bitcoin’s directives, it will be able to compensate for more than 18 % of its total national debt by 2049.

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  • for

Bitcoin Law and Suggestion: What you should know

Bitcoin Law was introduced to the US Senate by Senator Senatea Lomes

While submitting the bill, Lummis said: “Bitcoin not only transforms our country but the world, and it has become the first advanced country to use Bitcoin as savings technology, and our position as a global leader in financial innovation.

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