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A ripple suit disappears from the SEC website. Is it finally ended?

The XRP community was recently Confusion The fact that the issue of ripple apparently disappeared from the SEC website.

Some began to speculate that this might mean the end of the long lawsuit.

However, as Make up By lawyer Jeremy Hogan, the case was simply removed from the litigation department on the site. However, it can still be found on the Appeals Court website.

“The litigation department is only directed at the SEC website (there is no” appeal “section). But when you look at the actual court of the Court of Appeal, there is still there and nothing new has not been presented.”

As U.Today said, SEC presented a summary opening in its appeal against Ripple earlier this month.


Ripple was fast to reduce the importance of appeal, on the pretext that it was just noise.

The company seems to be convinced that the case will get a shelf by the new SEC administration.

Last week, San Francisco, Blockchain, requested its headquarters to April 16 to submit its opening summary.

Ripple announced its cross appeal shortly after SEC submitted the appeal notice last October.

The new SEC administration promised to create clear rules for the cryptocurrency industry. The agency is a currency led by Acting President Mark Oida.

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