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Bitcoin for America ⋅ Crypto World Echo Constitution

Bitcoin Magazine

The United States must adopt Bitcoin now: Bitcoin for Americana summary

Earlier today, and Bitcoin Policy Institute (BPI)The Bitcoin For America.

The event happened in the wake of President Trump’s signature on the executive order (EO) to create the Bitcoin Strategic Reserve (SBR) and The White House hosts its first encoding at all.

One may expect gentle tones of an event with such a title. However, many speakers acknowledged that Bitcoin will benefit the entire world, partly due to this, the United States should lead the road to adoption.

David Zell, BPI director, has set the tone of the event in his opening notes.

“Our goal for this day is to continue this process, to help people understand how Bitcoin America benefits – and the world is writing great,” I declare.

Zil of Senator Sentea Lomes, a Bitcoin’s lawyer, has long been followed, which made the case as natural for America to determine the pace when it comes to Bitcoin’s adoption.

Senator Lomes said: “This is really freedom money.” “America must lead when it comes to freedom money.”

Michael Sailor: Bitcoin and American Digital Sovereignty

Strategy CEO Michael Celor agreed with Senator, which made the case for the cause of the US leadership in this square.

“I am here today to explain to you how the Bitcoin strategic reserves represent a strategic strategy for the digital sovereignty of the United States in the twenty -first century,” he started.

He went on to Bitcoin as digital property, stressing that the United States should obtain as much as possible in order to “rent and finance” in addition to this property.

It was also assumed that the trillion dollars in trade will flow through the Bitcoin network, and this is another reason that makes the United States give priority to obtaining its share from the network.

Moreover, he stressed that Bitcoin embodies American values ​​and that possessing them is the best thing to live in the United States

“Everyone who lives in Asia, in Africa, will move to the United States if they can,” said Silor.

“They transferred their money to the United States if they could. They want the US currency that they want the safety of the United States want the values ​​of the United States, but they cannot get it.”

“So, the second best thing they can have is to transfer their money to the Bitcoin network, which has all the values, protection and security of the United States.”

Vivek Ramaswamy: Bitcoin’s long -term return is the new high -risk obstacle rate

The ruling candidate in Ohio and American businessman Vivic Ramasuami Silor followed, which offers that the rate of return on Bitcoin contract for a period of one or more is now the highly high risk obstacle rate.

It has put the way for this claim by presenting the case that we are returning to the “rare capital age.” He participated that this would be the opposite of the past fifteen years, during which the printed Federal Reserve has made EN CollectiveIn a way that resembles a cocaine dealer who comes out of cocaine to hungry users, he said.

He explained that the institutions will be forced again to think about the question, “What is the cost of the opportunity for prices?” And doing this, they will have to determine the obstacle rate for each of the low -risk investments.

Ramaswamy has argued that the Aqaba rate for low -risk investments is the American treasury for 10 years, while the Aqaba rate for high investment is the rate of return on bitcoin over a period of 10 to 15 years.

Then he closed his speech by referring to how American morals and bitcoin spirit overlap, like the American flag, Bitcoin is a symbol of hope.

Ramsuami said: “I think Bitcoin and what it represents, more than one of the financial assets, also helps to fill this hunger for the symbol, and a reminder of what is going on around the American greatness,” Ramasuami said. “I think, in the national context, it makes it one of the most suitable assets to fill our national strategic reserves.”

Matthew Pines: The world is interested in bitcoin after SBR EO

Matthew Pines, CEO of BPI, noted that Bitcoin began to get the lead in the eyes of world leaders for two reasons.

The first, as he claimed, is that the American debt markets have become increasingly fragile, prompting global leaders to start searching for investment in global backup assets regardless of the American treasury.

The second reason is that SBR EO for President Trump has clearly stated that the United States sees Bitcoin “digital gold”, and that it will be a matter of time only before other leaders seen it as identical.

“Last Thursday, the executive matter fell to the office of each major president, the central bank [chair] Pines, the world’s minister of finance, said.

There are now discussions on how to explain this. What does this mean to the relationship of their country to bitcoin? Governments do not move very quickly, but when they do it, they move in size, they move widely and can spread trillion dollars in capital that can have geopolitical effects. “

“I think we are at this point of reflection where the bitcoin geopolitical aspects begin, and it can be the few years coming from the future of Bitcoin. Bitcoin race is now working, and the ball is on our stadium to keep our advantage.”

Congress member Nick B. Beach re -introduces Bitcoin Law

After Bings concluded his speech, MP Nick B. Beach came to the theater, where a member of Congress He issued a major advertisement.

“Today, I will announce the Bitcoin Act for the year 2025 in the United States Council,” said Representative Begich.

The bill, which is an updated version of Senator Lomes suggested last yearThe United States suggests that the United States get one million bitcoin currencies (without any taxpayer account) and protects the right of American citizens to bitcoin self -needs.

“[The bill] Representative Bizash said: “It explicitly protects the rights of individuals to own and supplement them with bitcoin freely.” “He gets to know the autonomy as a basic right.”

Member of Congress Rowna: Democrats must support Bitcoin

After a brief talk from Zak Shapiro, the head of PPI, about the reason for the American states to carry Bitcoin in their reserves, MP Ro khanna (D-CA) made the cause of the reason for the embrace of Democrats Bitcoin.

“Bitcoin should be from the two parties,” said MP Khanna, the only democratic politician who speaks at this event.

“Now, people will be able to get bitcoin. This is a transformative matter for many people around the world, which is why the Democratic Party should adopt this as something that can create financial empowerment of people not only in the United States, but all over the world.”

Jacques Malars: Bitcoin is a return to American values

After a handful of conversations and paintings, including likes CEO of Casa Nick Neumanfor Newmarket Capital CEO Andrew Honz and Lightspark CSO Christian Catalini, CEO of Strike Jack Mallers Theater as a final speaker for the summit.

Speaking, entitled “Bitcoin Strategic Reserve: American Monetary Revolution”, Mallers made the issue that the creation of SBR was “a return to American values ​​- including life, freedom and property.”

“The strategic strategic executive order for Bitcoin and the Bitcoin Law proposed by Senator Lomis is the most important economic transformation and declaration and the only positive economic declaration that came out of the Capitol in this country in the past percent.”

He went on to say that the American economic policy is working against the principles established by the country and its martyrdom Executive order 6102 (The confiscation of gold during the reign of President Franklin de Roosevelt in 1933), Nixon shock (President Nixon disturbs the US dollar of gold in 1971) and 2008 Save banks As evidence.

However, it ended up with a high note.

“[This is a] “A pivotal moment in American history and a turning point in the economic policy of this country,” said Malars. “The story of humanity [people] Better world engineering – this is America, this is Bitcoin. “

This post The United States must adopt Bitcoin now: Bitcoin for Americana summary The first time appeared on Bitcoin Magazine He writes him Frank Corva.

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