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Bitcoin (BTC) to a million dollars? Samsun Mo reveals the schedule

Shamson Mo He has always been an audio about his $ 1 million evaluation per bitcoin (BTC), and despite all the recent price disturbances in the main encrypted currency, he still stands on his words. But as with great strength, a great responsibility comes, every wild prediction comes with a question – when?

MoW has an answer to this too. In a recent publication, the CEO of Jan3 recently revealed his schedule for a million dollars, and this is 2031.


Bitcoin (BTC) Price: $ 70,000 for FUD, $ 100,000 for FOMO, says data

But there, but, because this is the timeline according to the MW MOW model. Any model, though, is unknown. As Raed Chefir himself announced, his feeling is this or the next year for Bitcoin to achieve an evaluation of seven numbers.

What does this mean?

On the one hand, there is an organized prediction and supported by models that puts a long -awaited Bitcoin explosion somewhere in the thirties of the last century, and on the other hand, a sense of intestine says it may be much closer.

If you have followed the Bitcoin story, then you know that the feelings of the intestine – when you come from people who are deeply immersed in space – are sometimes more accurate than models.



The basis for this invitation to the huge price? Institutional adoption, confidence in traditional financial systems and the nature of Bitcoin as a rare and internationally recognized digital origin. While $ 1 million per BTC may look extreme, in terms of percentage, it is just a 917 % increase from the highest level ever.

The perspective matters

Bitcoin ignored the bottom at $ 15,500 a little more than two years ago, yet its way increased to $ 109,000. If he had done something already similar to before, why should he assume he could not do it again?

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The MoW schedule may be on a point, may be excessively conservative, and may be very optimistic. But in both cases, the question imposes: Where does Bitcoin actually go, and how long will it get there?

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