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Binance to the MICA compatible in Europe on March 31

Binance Cryptocurrency Binance take steps to comply with European encryption systems by announcing the upcoming Shatt for several stablecoins.

On March 31, Binance will delete the spinning pairs with nine stablecoins-including Tether Usdt (USDT) and Dai (Dai)-to comply with European markets in encrypted assets (MICA), and officially exchange. Declare on monday.

The debris will apply exclusively to users in the European Economic Zone (EEA), who are still able to sell uncommon Stablecoins after March 31 using Binance Convert.

Bennes said that the compatible stablecoins, such as the circuit stablecoins, USDC (UDSC) and Eurite (EURI), will remain available and unchanging.

“MICA compatible custody will continue

While encouraging EEA users to convert all MICA compatible stablecoins into assets like USDC or EURI, or Fiat currencies like euro, Binance said it will support the incompatible assets incompatible with MICA.

“The non -compatible stablecoins custody will continue and will continue to withdraw or deposit the incompatible Stablecoins with MICA at any time,” the advertisement is noted.

Excerpt from the Binance Declaration on the removal of the non -compatible stablecoins with MICA. Source: binance

The full menu of MICA on Binance includes the USDT, Dai, first USD (FDUSD), Trueusd (Tusd), Pax Dollar (USDP), PAX Good (Paxg).

The Binance Advertisement comes amid the exchange that is still working to receive a MICA license. The stock exchange previously announced the changes in the procedures for deposit and withdrawal in Poland to comply with the MICA frame in January 2025.

This is a developing story, and more information will be added when available.

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