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Billionaire Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater Trims adds on 6 of the wonderful “7” shares amid evaluation fears, this reserves cars after 3 years – Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), (Nasdaq: Amzn)

After the recent comments from the billionaire investor Ray Dalio On “expensive”, companies with high assessments, his fund Bridgewateer Associats Her positions were reduced in six “7 Great 7” shares during the fourth quarter, while taking a new site in Elon MuskTesla Inc. Timing.

What happened: According to its 13 -f website with the US Securities and Stock Exchange Committee, “Great 7 7” shares witnessed dual parts in its location in Bridge, with the exception of Tesla.

  • Reducing about 40 % of its current property, Apple Inc.‘s Aapl The value in the Bridgewateer wallet was at the lowest level between “wonderful 7” stocks at 154.559 million dollars, as of December 31, 2024.
  • Bridguter contract most of the category a Alphabet Inc. Googl The stocks in the aforementioned quarter between “7 Great 7”, cut only 17 % of their location from the third quarter, at a value of 685,513 million dollars.
  • Parking in Nafidia Company Nvdafor Meta Platforms Inc. Deadfor Microsoft Corp. MsftAnd Inc. amzn It was also cut with double numbers from the third to the fourth quarter.
  • However, the Dalio Fund added 153,589 shares from Tesla to its wallet for the first time in three years after the fourth quarter of 2021, amounting to $ 62.025 million.
a company Properties (as of September 30) Properties (as of December 31) Change (in %) The value as of December 31
Alphabet Inc. Googl 4,379337 3,621,308 -17 % 685,513 million dollars
Nafidia Company Nvda 4,754,271 3,497,362 -26 % 469.660 million dollars
Meta Platforms Inc. Dead 802,202 621,088 -23 % 363.653 million dollars
Microsoft Corp. Msft 870,178 667,036 -23 % 281.155 million dollars Inc. amzn 1411,643 919,786 -35 % 211.684 million dollars
Apple Inc. Aapl 1,031,856 617,203 -40 % 154.59 million dollars
Tesla Inc. Timing 0 153,589 0 % 62.025 million dollars

See also: billionaire Rai Dalio raises evaluation concerns as the new Deepseek model for NVIDIA

Why do it matter: Dalio, in a discussion with David Friedberg, warned all the focus of only focusing on “good” companies, following the defeat of technical stocks after the popularity of the Chinese company Dembe.

He warned, “It is a great expensive company that is much worse than a truly cheap company.” Dalio urged investors to give priority to value and consider pricing dynamics, especially in the current economic climate.

He expressed his concerns about “Superscalars” such as NVIDIA, highlighting their potential risks. Instead, Dalio advised investors to give priority to productivity, innovation and sabotage technologies, while thinking carefully about global economic prices and trends. He emphasized investment in those who develop and use applications that lead to a positive change.

Despite the changes to the wonderful “7” shares, the boxes circulating on the stock exchange occupied the highest location in the terms of value in the Bridgel wallet. The Fund received $ 4.824 billion and $ 1.2 billion in ETFS to track the S&P 500 and 922.163 million dollars in ETF tracking the emerging MSCI market index.

ETFS Properties (as of September 30) Properties (as of December 31) Change (in %) The value as of December 31
SPDR S & P 500 ETF TRUST spy 836,965 8,232,049 884 % 4.824 billion dollars
Ishaares Core S & P 500 ETF IVV 2,222,834 2,039,343 8 % $ 1.2 billion
Ishaares Core Msci Markets Etf IEMG 17,779,378 17,659,209 -1 % 922.163 million dollars

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