News and analysis on encrypted currencies, Blockchain and decentralized financing

A new study reveals the behavior of encryption users in Italy and around the world, in the time period from 2019 to 2024. In these five years, the owners of the Italian cryptocurrency increased by 118 %, as more than 4 million Italians turned into a trading of encryption.
Italy: An increase of 118 % in the users of encryption in five years
new Ticket Some have revealed Data about encryption users in Italy and the world of the worldAnalyzing them In the time period from 2019 to 2024.
In these five years, it seems that the number of Italian encryption holders increased by 118 %.
Unrelated Germany and Canada Which, in the same period, registered Increase in encrypted currency holders In their countries From +225 % for each of them. After that, he sees the arrangement The United States, with an increase in encryption users from 2019 to 2024 from +220 %.
In this sense, the percentage of increase Crypto Utenti Italiani places the country twenty -first in the world and seventh ranking in the European standings.
In fact, the European countries that have witnessed in the past five years have been greater growth than Italian encryption holders, along with Germany, Portugal (122 %), Finland and France (125 %), Hungary (133 %), and Sweden (+200 %).
On the contrary, registration of the same rate of Italian encryption users Lithuania and the United Kingdom.
Looking closely to the data, this shows In 2019 There are some countries with a percentage higher than encryption holders compared to others.
Here, Nigeria appears With 28 %, followed by Thailand with 23 % and Vietnam with 22 %. in ItalyThe population is already In 2019 was only 6 %.
If, on the other hand, you look at the percentage of encryption users in 2024The situation is almost similar. but, Türkiye stands out by 47 %, followed by Nigeria and Thailand closely by 44 %.
Despite the high percentage of encryption users, the growth of these countries is still less compared to the platform.
Italy and new encoding users 4 million in the past five years
Speaking of numbers, the study also reveals the number of new encryption holders that have already been collected in the past five years in different countries.
Thus, Italy has recorded more than 4 million encryption users from 2019 to 2024bring Total to 7.6 million pregnant women.
There is no relationship to the increase that was seen In India, which sees more than 200 million new pregnant womenIn the transition from 109 million in 2019 to 314 million in 2024.
Instead, the second in the ranking Indonesia, which recorded an increase in encryption holders by 56 million.
Finally, it appears here Nigeria And his strong growth, who sees Increase new encryption holders by 48 millionIn 2024 it brought to more than 104 million.
Returning to the data related to Europe, the comparisons with the numbers recorded by Italy are closer.
In fact, between 2019 and 2024, France recorded an increase of more than 3.3 million holders, the United Kingdom, which amounted to 4.8 million.
Not only that, The Netherlands and Belgium witnessed New encryption users have been added to a total 1.1 million and 962,000 respectively.
Attention to the sector from 13 million Italians
Recently, another study revealed this In 2024, in Italy, there are up to 13 million users interested in encryption. This was mentioned in the Blockchain & Web3 Observatory report from Politecnico di Milano.
Specifically, there are about 2.7 million Italians of encryption holders in 2024, a figure that represents -11 % compared to 3.6 million in 2023.
However, in the survey, 85 % of the Italians stated that they have encrypted currencies for a capital less than 5,000 euros, while 57 % determined that they have an encryption of less than 1,000 euros.
related The encryption market in Italy, the data reveals a specific stability. In fact, it seems that The Italian Blockchain & Web3 market in 2024 amounted to 40 million euros, With an increase +5 % compared to 2023.