New Device Security Research Group at Berner University School

The new research group for hardware security of the Institute for Cybersecurity and Engineering ICE of the Berner Fachhochschule BFH has a central center and is concerned with the topic being published: der Sicherheit von eingebetteten und Vernetzten System. This is more difficult and risky in life because it is easier and more effective to get rid of it.
“Wir beobachten die Sicherheitslandschaft kontinuierlich und haben einen klaren Bedarfür mehr Forschung im Bereich Hardware-Sicherheit erkannt”
Professor Bruce Nickell is an Associate Professor at the ICE Institute for Cybersecurity and Engineering. Hardware optimization tools – embedded in the context of Industry 4.0 – have brought new software with them. One of the very new risks was the many cloud-integrated enterprises and the interconnection of many glove systems and the Internet. Under an industrial system, the industrial system is more isolated and controlled through physical security. A good Vernetzung is a Schwachstellen, which is not offered very often. Traditional physical security entrepreneurs have had a great deal of training in modern cybersecurity. We are getting into cyber resilience, such as the EU Cyber Resilience Law, as well as a cyber security standard for products, a single digital component that is provided by providing all the necessities of life.
com. Leistungsangebot
This group includes device security and risk, penetration testing, fault injection, and data analysis related to device health. You can support various branches and single devices, including IoT devices for industries* and industries, OT equipment, artificial intelligence, and smart cars that provide a medical advertising system. This forensics has provided us with data mining support through data acquisition system.
Seeing the research group at the main stage has a great deal of potential. There is also the Industry 4.0-Unternehmen supported by Hersteller and Nutzer of IoT devices. I hope the security and stability system is as committed to business management as it is to contracting companies.
Institute of Cybersecurity and Engineering ICE
The research group works to provide the best combination of institutes supporting e-voting, fintech security, wireless communications and the secure Internet of Things. You have the special experience and tools that the Nutzen Group can offer to work in this group. The Institute for Cybersecurity and Engineering (ICE) grows new technologies, such as companies, organizations, and infrastructure for cybersecurity infrastructure.