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Crypto Trends

AUD/USD can advance more, and may reach 0.6455 – UOB Group

AUD Country Chamber to advance to 0.6425 against the US dollar (USD) before settlement; 0.6455 is likely to be outfedd now. In the longer term, AUD can advance more, and may reach 0.6455, and UOB Group Quek Ser Leang and Peter Chia Note.

Less than 0.6345, bias can turn into the negative side

Show 24 hours: “Yesterday, we highlighted that AUD” could be less than the edge but it is unlikely to break less than 0.6305. “We were incorrect, as AUD rose and closed sharply by 0.88 % (0.6402).

1-3 weeks offer: “We have held a positive offer since early this month (according to the project in the graph below). After AUD was struggled to expand its gains, we highlighted yesterday (February 20, Al-Baqa on 0.6345) that“ the bullish momentum slows down, and a violation indicates 0.6305 (Strong Support level) indicates that AUD is likely to trade in a scope instead of progress. ”We did not expect to rise AUD is almost and reached the technical goal of 0.6410 (it was 0.6404).

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