Duelown is launched $ DNOW TOKEE

Lisbon, Portugaland February 7, 2025 / PRNEWSWIRE/ – Duelnown Trailblazing is easy to announce the launch of the original code for platform, $ DNOW.
The distinctive symbol of $ DNOW enables Duelnow users by enabling access to a dynamic level membership system that opens exclusive advantages. By keeping $ DNOW, users can enjoy reducing the basic system fees and increasing referral profits.
Every time one of your rulers joins or creates a prediction, earns!
Membership levels: Participation reward and loyalty
Current and current users will be invited to apply through the six -level membership system of Duelnow, from rising to legendary. Each layer of potential referral bonuses increases and reduces the basic system fees, providing users with more opportunities to increase their profits.
The level of referral incentives is determined by your membership layer at the time of the ruling, and your rewards are based on the current $ DNOW holdings. By keeping or increasing $ DNOW in your connected wallet, you can make sure that your membership layer and its benefits remain at its highest levels.
Simon Yu“The levels of the distinctive symbol and the organic Tiers are equivalent to keeping the symbols, increasing participation, enhancing referral profits, and reducing fees based on the membership level. This launch is given to users more value when they participate.” He added that he believes that ” DNOW and $ DNOW levels include a community -focused platform and long -term bonus. “
Promote the last platform
Duelnow recently has It upgraded its user interface To greatly enhance the user experience. The new design simplifies the process of creating predictions and joining them, and features more easily planning, and includes a prediction of the fastest transactions. These updates are designed to increase the inclusion of the user’s participation with the sports prediction market.
Airdrop for the first participants
To reward the first participants, Duelown AireroP will offer $ DNOW the distinctive symbol in 2025 for users who participate in the ongoing task and points program. Participants can earn points by creating predictions or joining those of others.
Additional details about Airdrop will be shared in early 2025. New users can still join the program and start earning points by registering today.
Users can Subscribe to Duelnown Today to earn 1000 points for her ..
About Duelnown
Duelnown It is an innovative sporting prediction market as users fully control. This basic system of peers allows for allocated competition, direct competition, and the removal of traditional brokers. By eliminating the house and any home feature, Duelow guarantees a transparent experience and focuses on the user. Profit with your sporting expectations.
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