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Crypto News

Arthur Hayes says the price of bitcoin is preparing forward with the price of the FBI price discounts to start April 1.

The Bitcoin price increased by 3.5 % after the FOMC meeting on Wednesday, as the US Federal Reserve maintains a change of 4.5 %. However, Arthur Hayes expects that Federal Reserve Discounts is likely to resume from April 1, which can herald a good for BTC and the total encryption market, and move forward.

Arthur Hayes predicts the reduction of bitcoin and the Federal Reserve rate discounts

Commenting on the reaction of the encryption market in the wake of the FOMC meeting, Arthur Hayes, CEO of Bitmex, stated that the last bitcoin price to $ 77,000 can distinguish its hall. Hayes noticed the qT (quantitative tightening) conclusion by April 1, as well as the possibility of an upward momentum feeding either an exemption for the supplementary leverage ratio (SLR) or QE (quantitative mitigation).

Hayes also expected that the correction in the American stock market will continue to push the Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell towards adopting favorable policies for the Trump administration. “Keep smart and spend,” he advised Hayes. In a publication on the social truth, the American President Donald Trump wrote:

The Federal Reserve will be much better in placing cut rates when Ustarifs begins to move (easily!) On their way to the economy. Do the right thing. April 2 is the liberation day in America !!!

BTC Action and M2 Money Supply

After the FOMC meeting yesterday, the Bitcoin price rapidly organized a 3.5 % jumped and moved to $ 87,000. The famous analyst Incomesharks noted that BTC has wore SuperRend’s support. However, in order for BTC to resume the bullish trend, it must be closed over the Qatari resistance of $ 86,351.

Source: Incomesharks

Moreover, the bitcoin price procedure can soon follow the recent M2 Money offer. M2 is expected to grow over time for various reasons, and its high association with Bitcoin, along with the leverage factor in the Energy Law 9, indicates that even small changes in liquidity can have a significant impact on the BTC price. Also, BTC prediction data shows that it moves to $ 90,000 by mid -April.

For example, an increase of 10 % in liquidity can lead to more than twice the price of BTC. On the other hand, the flows to the Bitcoin’s investment funds were resumed again with IBIT from Blackrock in the offer.

Regardless of Bitcoin, Altcoins also showed strength after the FOMC meeting. The highest altcoins such as ETHEREUM (ETH), XRP, Solana (SOL) and Dogoin (Doge) increased again 4-10 % in the past 24 hours.

Will the United States end by QT in April?

Due to the intensification of the impact of Trump’s trade war on the US economy’s slowdown, some market analysts believe that the Federal Reserve could be the first to shed. While addressing the media on Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said: “The average participating participants in the appropriate level of the FBI will be 3.9 % at the end of this year and 3.4 % at the end of next year, unchanged from December.”

In response to Arthur Hayes, the famous cryptocurrency analyst Benjamin Quinn refuted that the quantitative tightening (QT) will be concluded by April 1. Treating the matter, Queen explained that although QT modified, it has not yet ended.

“QT was not finished” mainly “on April 1,” Queen said. He explained that the federal reserve still reduces its budget by 35 billion dollars per month through the mortgage -backed securities. Although the QT pace has slowed from $ 60 billion per month to $ 40 billion per month, the process is still ongoing.


Bushan Akolkar

Bhushan is enthusiastic about technology with a severe understanding of the financial markets. His interest in economics and financing has focused on emerging technology and encrypted technology markets. He is committed to continuous learning and remains eager to share the knowledge he acquires. In his spare time, Booshan enjoys reading excitement novels and sometimes exploring his cooking skills.

Responsibility: Is market research before investing in encrypted currencies? The author or post does not bear any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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