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How Amnesty International affects jobs: What are the safe roles that will be disabled

  • We asked Chatgpt about the jobs safe from seizing it by artificial intelligence. The results seemed promising – at first.
  • BI CEO BI told that artificial intelligence will affect most of the jobs and that people and robots will work together.
  • The roles that require humanity and emotional intelligence can be less likely to go.

Ask Amnesty International for jobs safely from the robot seizure, and will restore a set of reasons for feeling satisfied.

Do not worry about plumbers, accuracy workers in air conditioning, nurses and diplomats that artificial intelligence will soon appear to fix an leaked tube, change a bandage or prevent countries from each other.


However, wipe the list a little more, and Chatgpt will also believe that lawyers, advisers and writers (AHEM) are just safe like chefs, mechanics and electricians. Suddenly, artificial intelligence predictions can feel hallucinations.

This is because robots make complex legal formulation, create the designed mental health protocols, and write a large collection of books.

Ultimately, the artificial intelligence position can be when it comes to almost any request is a reminder that technology is likely to weaken with most functions-even if it does not spoil it.

“I cannot think of any roles that will not be affected,” Scott Russell, CEO of Technology Nice, who is helping major companies such as Disney Wall Mart with customer service operations.

One plus: Russell said that he does not think that there are many functions that will be completely replaced by artificial intelligence. Instead, it is expected that many roles will end with a mixture of people and Amnesty International.

Fellow of the artificial intelligence team

Russell said that in Nice, artificial intelligence helps customer service teams to inquire and direct them to the appropriate workers. After the employee determines the best solution to a problem, the worker often returns the task to a robot to complete it. He said that the customer does not see that the customer does not see artificial intelligence to a person and returns to artificial intelligence.

However, when some workers think of artificial intelligence, they may not imagine the scenario of useful countries.

In a survey of more than 5,000 American adults, the Pew Research Center found that only 6 % of workers expect artificial intelligence to enhance their long -term job opportunities. Och.

About a third of the respondents said that Amnesty International will exacerbate things for them, and a similar share believes that technology will not have a major impact.

The need for human rule

Jochen Menges, a professor of human resources management and leadership at the University of Zurich, told BI that it is difficult to determine the jobs that may not remain by artificial intelligence, although people who work as jailers and presenters, no surprise, face less immediate threats.

However, even for jobs that may be more easily exceeded by artificial intelligence, people still often need to use their rule to respond to what artificial intelligence produces. Workers must ask questions and possibly develop other claims to obtain artificial intelligence to do what is required.

“It is possible that the jobs that will have an emotional component are related to them are those that will be of higher value in the future,” said Mazzel.

Sandra Moran, chief customer experience official in manpower programs, said, making the software and tools used by large employers to manage their teams. However, when people become more comfortable to understand what artificial intelligence can do, we will see more human operations and functions that are done with the help of AI-AI-AI-AIC.

Moran referred to fast food workers who take driving through Requests From the house. This job has long been thinking that it is only implemented. However, as soon as it is clear that it can be done from a distance, it is not difficult to know how artificial intelligence or technology can do this work.

“There is no job that you should think about in AI,” she told Bi.

Workers with gray collar

Moran expects that, while manufacturers, for example, looks at artificial intelligence to factories, there will be a greater need for what is called “gray collar workers”-those who do a mix of practical and technical work.

Betina Sicarilli, CEO of NPOWER, a non -profit institution that trains youth and military relationships of technology, said the roles that combine office work with your duties on an equal footing with “companionship and stacking” equipment in data centers, operating cables for networks, establishing WIFI, and ensuring that new employees have the equipment they need.

She said part of the NPOWER job is to prepare students for jobs that will not be disrupted by artificial intelligence, at least in the short term.

“Most of them are physically present, technical technology jobs for beginners,” Bi told Bi. Although wages are often not fatal to start, these roles can help younger workers, in particular, know where their career is directed.

She said that the functions of at least partially are also more important because traditional functions, such as ITS technology technicians, decreased.

In comparison, “you still need to have a person who charges this computer to a remote factor,” said Ceccrgeelli.

“The vast medium”

QUANT, the founder and CEO of Quant, who has developed agents to work as digital workers, told BI that he expects jobs as training often includes vocational training – thinking about electricity and plumber – to be largely safe. He said that the highest levels are the highest levels on top of the various fields.

DUBE fears focus on the “vast medium”, such as jobs where people are handling insurance claims or bus driving. It expects artificial intelligence to take many of these roles before the end of the contract.

However, DUBE also expects that the gains from artificial intelligence will be large enough, with appropriate organization, technology can give humans more time to follow other interests with less concern about employment.

It has been calculated that in the United States, the value of all economic activity can increase, as measured by GDP, up to 40 % thanks to artificial intelligence agents.

Dubi said that people will not need to work as much, because “these digital employees will work around the clock throughout the week.”

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