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Amy Gleson, the new Dog official, met with the Acting

  • The White House issued the name of the Acting Doug official after weeks of confusion.
  • She is Amy Gleston, a former nurse who spent contracts in the area of ​​medical records.
  • Former colleagues told BI that Gleason is the backbone of technology.

The White House is called on February 25, 2025, the name of Amy Gleson as an Acting official of the White House office, weeks after confusion about who is leading the agency.

A White House official confirmed the role of Gleson in Business Insider. Gleason later updated LinkedIn to reflect her new title. According to her personal file, she was “Acting Officer” to serve the American DOGE Service since February 2025.

Although it is relatively unknown before upgrading the Ministry of Government’s Summit, former colleagues told Bi that Gleason, 53, is a hard -working data that has spanned his professional life for the public and private sector. It worked as a data seat in the US digital service, Obama’s Covenant Agency, which was renamed President Donald Trump as the American service, from October 2018 to December 2021 for LinkedIn. It helped establish data reports on Coronavirus during 2020 and 2021, and returned to the agency in January 2025.

Gleson used to be a healthcare official in Florida. A previous colleague told Bi that she was known as the “Green Point” because of her tendency to stay online in the work correspondence system in the middle of the night, just to log in again at dawn.

“She is a gentle, sweet, but just miraculous person when it comes to the work product,” said Travis Bond, former CEO of Caresync, an emerging medical technology company in Florida, where Gleston was an executive position until he was closed in 2018.

Its background interferes in the private sector and interferes with other DOGE employees. She started as a nurse, according to 2022 Podcast appearance With a clip clip of the company. Gleson also talked about the podcast for her coordination experience after her daughter was diagnosed with a rare disease.

“The rest of my career is e -medical records mainly throughout the way to start as an ER nurse.” The White House honored Obama Gleson as the “champion of change” for her work in the space of medical records.

Elon Musk’s delicate title is still mysterious

Excerpts from the White House archive show the Obama administration "Change heroes" A greeting to Amy Gleson.

Amy Gleston obtained the Obama administration, “The Champions of Change”, in honor of its work with the controversial Florida Mid Tenie.

White House archive

According to its personal file, LinkedIn, Gleason has worked in high positions in a variety of health care companies since the late 1990s. One of these companies, Caresync, was involved in legal controversy, but Gleason was not a major part of the lawsuit.

LinkedIn from Gleason indicates that she has worked as the chief product official in Russell Street Ventures between November 2021 and December 2024, an investment company in the health industry founded by Brad Smith, which was previously identified as a DOGE employee. Kendall Lindman, who also defined Bi, worked as a Doge effort, in Russell Street Ventures as well.

Some were surprised at USDs by setting Gleason as an Acting official. Jonathan Camps, a former engineer in the United States, was dismissed on February 14, and a USDS currently employee, that Glils had joined the agency between elections and timing.

The current employee said: “From our point of view, I was surprised by the things that come out of Doug like us like us.” They said they had not seen her “part of the Musk crew.”

Kamins Bi told “it is not supposed to carry the real power on Dog, just because it was officially named in this role.”

Although Elon Musk is closely related to the DOGE office, the White House previously said in his court file that he is not the group’s leader and instead works as a great adviser to Trump. BI mentioned previously that the title of Musk was written as “not included” in a record of the White House.

For weeks, the White House refused to say if there was a Doug official – not to mention one name. Trump invented the situation on the opening day. He had previously said that Musk would lead the DOGE office, although Musk was never called in this position, and his comments on the role of Musk during a speech in March 2025 sparked legal controversy.

White House representatives, Elon Musk, Duij, and Glyon did not respond to requests from BI.

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Jacques Newham contributed to this report.

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