Ampuss CEO Bitcoin Lightning, Tether (USDT) on Lightning ⋅ Crypto World Echo

founder: Jesse Sherradeer and Anthony Boutudin
Foundation date: March 2021
Headquarters Nashville, Tennessee
Number of employees: 10
General or private? private
Jesse Sherradeer believes this will be an important year for the lightning network.
With the appearance of the Bitcoin price and reached Tether (USDT) to lightning, Shrader assumes that more and more companies and institutions will start seeing the Lightning for payments next year.
And his company, Amboss, is preparing to help make this vision a reality.
“We want to extend bitcoin as a payment system and use lightning to do so,” Sharrara said to Bitcoin. “We want to make lightning a highly efficient and highly performance system.
Through a set of SHRADER and TEAM tools and services in Amboss, they are ready to roam in the next wave of institutional users to the largest payment network without permission in the world – especially now after USDT has been turned on lightning.
What the ambassador does
Amboss primarily provides the smart payment infrastructure for digital payments using the lightning network.
“We offer visions of people related to what they must do to increase the efficiency of payments on the network,” said Sharra.
To accomplish this, they provide a number of products and services.
One of the most prominent of these is Ambassador spaceIt is a Lightning network that uses machine learning to help users to recover information or connect any knot on the network.
Besides their analysis programs, Amboss also provides its customers for tools and services to help improve liquidity conditions on lightning.
One of this service Maga marketWhich allows users to buy and sell liquidity on the lightning network. Using Magma, users can provide liquidity – without giving up their Bitcoin nursery – to get a return.
Another is WaterThe extension of the magma. The program allows users to automate their liquidity purchases to ensure better payments.
(And Amboss also displays ReactionCompliance with businessmen who suffer from AML reporting obligations (anti -money laundering).)
Amboss programs and tools are designed for large size transactions, which have become easier in lightning.
“We measure companies’ ability to pay payments with simulation operations,” explained Sherrad. “We will help companies know how much the network can actually reach when trying to pay.”
Opinion is optimistic when it comes to lightning growth. With the passage of every day, users depend on the network to send more than just the formulation of Micropayments.
“We have succeeded in handling daily payments on lightning, which I introduced between 10 dollars and $ 4,000,” said Sharra. “We are working to enhance network capabilities further, focusing on decentralization.”
It is still difficult to handle payments of more than $ 4000. SHRARADER explained that more capital is needed to help make the process of payments the biggest reality.
However, he also indicated that the recent increase in Bitcoin price has helped to treat it more easily.
“What we have seen recently is that the price of bitcoin has increased, which increased the ability to settle in all lightning channels.” “Since the channels were bitten, it seems as if we got larger tubes.”
Although SHRARADER is optimistic about these largest tubes that allow more productivity, it is also believed that the arrival of Tether (USDT) to lightning will attract more liquidity to the network.
The rope (USDT) on lightning
At the end of last month, Lightning Labs Declare It brings Usdt to Bitcoin and the Lightning network via Taproot Asset Protocol.
This upgrade allows Bitcoin service providers to integrate and accept USDT more easily, which SHRADER believes will be a blessing of lightning.
“One thing is very clear that Tether has the suitability of the product market,” said Sharra.
“Last year, he used to serve 10 trillion dollars of payments, which exceed the visa and masksard,” he added.
“It is very clear that the world wants the US dollars.”
Shrader, a pragmatic, acknowledged the fact that many strict bitcoin devices have problems with USDT that work on bitcoin and lightning, and he sympathizes with them, because it is estimated that the proper bitcoin money.
At the same time, it is believed that the benefits of Usdt on lightning clearly outweigh the negatives, as many still do not understand what Bitcoin is, and they are not ready for the stomach its fluctuations.
“Many people did not take an orange after they understood Bitcoin’s advantages,” he said.
“I think Bitcoin is an incredible tool, and I want to bring it to the largest possible number of people. However, there are many problems related to traditional payments, and Bitcoin has this scrutinable safe system, which is something I want to bring to the world widely.”
“Although Bitcoin’s work is great for me, many people are afraid of volatility. If you have a asset with very low fluctuations like USDT, now on very safe bars, unreliable, this is a big victory.”
The problem that Usdt solves on lightning
Sherrade narrated how the first hosted conference of conferences hosted in Bitcoin “Lightning for Corporate”. At the conference, companies were encouraged to start pushing employees in Bitcoin due to lightning – without perfectly realizing the problems that this would perform at that time.
“What employers realized is that all dozens of the twentieth century who needed to be submitted to the employees were quarrels.” “There was a full set of organizational expenditures that had to confront, as well.”
SHRARADER has noted that USDT employees cannot be pushed on lightning to reduce accounting headaches and organizational manufacturing, but also reduces some of the risks of the opposite party associated with the use of banks – a fact that SHRADER is very familiar.
“We are used to my salary statements to go via Silicon Valley Bank,” Sharader said.
“At the time, the salary provider called me to re -submit salary statements in the middle of the month after I tried to pay the employees. I lost half a month. It was all because of the secrets of the Silicon Valley Bank.”
“Therefore, if I can avoid the risks of the opposite party in the financial system by moving to bitcoin and lightning, this means that I am in a place much better.”
[Author’s note: Some counterparty risk still exists when using USDT, as you have to trust that Tether holds actual U.S. dollars to back the tokenized ones it issues.]Risk
SHRARADER referred to some USDT risk on Bitcoin and Lightning, but it does not seem very concerned about them.
“There are some MEV “The risks when you have the origins other than the original Blockchain assets that are traded on the chain,” said Sharra. “But bitcoin is already Arrangement inscriptions Which creates other assets, so that this problem is already. “
He also did not feel confused when it raised the risk of a bitcoin thorn, which led to USDT on one of the chains that became valuable, and he did not feel that there was a noticeable danger in the larger economic decade in Bitcoin, such as Coinbase, which Corruds The Bitcoin for US Spot Bitcoin ETFS, and choose Bitcoin’s “tetcoin” support, which can also include other promotions that can harm Bitcoin in the long run.
“The Bitcoin consensus is not determined by Bitcoin Nursery, so while an important company like Coinbase may support various changes or initiatives, this does not ensure that the protocol changes will be implemented.”
Instead of focusing on the risks associated with USDT on Bitcoin, SHRADER does the opposite.
“It may be more interesting, it is the opportunities that open as you have an actual arbitration capacity on the bitcoin itself,” said Sharra.
He added: “Since every knot is able to deal in both USDT and Bitcoin is also able to exchange between them originally on lightning, you can send Bitcoin from the single Lightning channel and receive USDT on other Lightning channels.”
“This can be simple like the USDT generation and pushing it with BTC, immediately re -balance.”
2025: The year of lightning
In the final SHRADER ideas of meeting with him, he shared two last two reasons because the year 2025 would be the year of Lightning.
The first is that the bitcoin contract is no longer required to use lightning.
“Until this year, if people or companies want to switch to lightning, they need to get bitcoin first – this is a great obstacle,” explained SHRADER. (SHRADER added in response to a follow -up question, outside the United States, relatively easy and commonly accessed USDT.)
“Bitcoin Market only to process the payment is small. But this year we removed this barrier, and consumers can pay for other assets – USDT. There is already a big market for that.”
(SHRARADER also notes that although USDT works on lightning bars, Bitcoin still benefits from them, as USDT is converted to Bitcoin while traveling through lightning. ))
Moreover, Shreradeer pointed out that lightning users would pay only a small part of what they were paying in transactions using traditional financial bars.
“We provide liquidity with less than 0.5 %,” said Sharra.
He added: “As a user of large payment card networks, I pay 4 % for all payment processing, and the money does not appear for several days to weeks after the payment is made.”
“With lightning, the payment fee decreases by approximately 10X.”
Looking at Shrader points, it is difficult to imagine that 2025 will not be a big year of lightning.