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Al -Mizan team is also behind Melania Mimi

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Bombles says that the MIM coin, which was initially promoted by Argentina President Javier Millie, was created by the same team behind Melania and other multiple pump codes and discharge materials.

Bubblemaps analysts said on February 17 string In X, this new evidence indicates that the scale team, or anyone close to them, was behind the official launch of Melania Meme (Melania), a Mimi currency associated with the first lady for us, Melania Trump. Analysts added that the same team probably cut both Rumin.

Melania creators cut the scale

The portfolio that scared Melania 6 million dollars Snipping Libra

Shortly after its launch, the scale icon briefly rose to the maximum market of $ 4.56 billion at 10:30 pm UTC on February 14, by strengthening the support of Milli Argentina.

But it quickly Decline More than 94 % to the maximum market of $ 257 million, just 11 hours after it appeared for the first time on decentralized stock exchanges. Miley withdrew his support, but he is now facing calls for dismissal by opposition politicians in Argentina.

Bubblemaps put the lights on the Solana portfolio, which is called “0xcea” as a title responsible for sniping Melania On January 19, earning $ 2.4 million of profits as a result. Then transfer this address to another portfolio on Avalanche Blockchain.

According to analysts, the Solana and Avalanche Governor is associated with several unique tracks. This includes many different financing transactions and transfers across the series.

Weeks after sniping MelaniaThe Analysis Company noted that the address is 0xcea itself and then bombed the scale for a profit of $ 6 million. Bubblemaps analyzes concluded that this cruel, convergence activity on 0xcea, along with the Serial Transmission Protocol (CCTP) from USDC, indicates that both the scale and Melania were launched by the same team.

Links to the previous pump and dumps

Analysts added that their research revealed many symbolic launch operations entitled 0xcea.

Projects such as confidence, cystic, feelings and cover, which Bubblemaps analysts said it is a “clear pump and files”, all of which were linked to the wallet.

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