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A fake suggestion for free beverages with amazing opposite results

  • The viral video of Women in Los Angeles showed a pairing suggestion at Hawaiian Resort.
  • A 17 second section created more than 38 million views.
  • The actions of the couple behind the fake proposal raises a hot discussion about ethics.

Who does not like a round of free drinks? Well, everyone does this, but some people take this love to the next level by organizing fake proposals to obtain free wine and a viral moment. In 2021, a viral tiktok video went when a couple participated in the Texas Club, which led to enthusiastic chants and free drinks from the people in the club. After that, in 2024, two teenagers in Texas decided to pull the same resourceful and targeted restaurants.

Now, a fake suggestion clip has become another virus. A couple recently took this act to Moana Surfrider, a developed resort in Honolulu, Hawaii, where they withdrew an engagement at mid dinner. Their video clip led to hot discussions online, and while some call it unpredictable pleasure, others described this act as an explicit deception.

A married couple has already suggested a fake. Photo: @jaelaaaab

Fake suggestion

Jella Bumas is residing in Los Angeles Publish a video On March 6, with a comment with the explanatory name: “My fake husband suggested obtaining free drinks for us last night.”

The 17 -second length clip, which was filmed by one of the clowns, shows the moment when the groom fell into one knee and the crowd began chanting, whistling and applause from their tables. The couple played flawlessly through kissing and searching for a sunken, as if they had been locked there forever, and the crowd continued to eat it.

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In real life, the husband married for four months. When a X user was asked if they succeeded in their scheme, Bumpas simply said, “Yes.” However, I later told todayWhile they received free drinks, they were purchased by the other dinner that Margareta requested, not the restaurant.

Many users questioned online the couple’s behavior, and display them as a means of theft. Photo: x

General reactions

What started with a joke quickly became more serious when the truth was shared by Bumpas on social media. The post received more than 38 million views, 27,000 re -tweets, and 462,000 likes – but also sparked angry discussions in the comments.

Soon the couple’s behavior was condemned by critics. “You are stealing from the restaurant in which you were, you are proud of enough to do this to publish it on X, and I love 347,000 people the publication. A user of X wrote a sad comment on many levels.” Another added, “Cuting people is not the victory you think.”

Some X users found a playful joke. Photo: x

Others found that the situation was entertaining. One of the supporters wrote, “LMAOOO loves when people who have the same feeling of humor”, while another note, “technically is not a fraud because you got married.”

The conversation suddenly turned uncomfortable when Bumpas revealed the racial criticism they faced. “Many people who felt satisfied, but then it was a frustrated experience because of racism,” she explained. Bombas, a black, said people used racist insults against her husband, although he was “white”.

The trick raises questions about the ethics of social media joke, public ethics, and sometimes toxic nature of the popularity of the Internet. For some, fake suggestions are harmless, for others, they are manipulation moves that play on true good intentions.

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