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Bitcoin to save? Silor says that the European Union will need BTC amid euro problems

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Michael Celor, a pro -bitcoin, publicly stated that the European Union should consider buying bitcoin, especially after the euro witnessed a decrease in the last value. According to reports, the weakest euro (EUR) for US dollars (USD) Since yesterday.

The decline has followed a report from the Federal Reserve, which many have interpreted as tending to lower interest rates in the future. the The value of the euro It decreased from the highest level from 1.08 against the dollar on Thursday to its current level of 1.07.

The euro is under pressure after the federal reserve signals

The last weakness of the euro occurred after the Federal Reserve decided to maintain fixed interest rates. These rates have remained between 4.25 % and 4.50 % since December. but, Federal Reserve According to President Jerome Powell, President Jerome Powell proposed the possibility of reducing the average of 50 Basis before the end of 2025.

BTC is now trading at $ 83,925. table: Tradingvief

Moreover, the central bank was Under pressure From US President Donald Trump to reduce interest rates, claiming that this is the right path to work.

Greenback has increased regarding other currencies, especially the euro, as a result of the gathering in American stocks and bonds caused by these American feelings.

Representing a picture of Bitcoin to provide the euro currency. Source: Gemini Imagen

Bitcoin Stadium in Sailor as a possible hedge

Sailor, CEO and co -founder of Microstrategy (now strategy), said social media that Bitcoin may provide treatment amid this currency movement. In a statement announced this week, Silor seemed to urge the European Union to move forward in any intentions to buy BTC.

He indicated that if the European Union might keep Bitcoin, it could have been a protection against the recent decline in the value of the euro. For context, and Bitcoin price It increased by 2.6 % against the US dollar during the past 24 hours, as it was circulated at $ 85400, at the time of writing this report.

Silor also indicated how the US dollar excelled over Turkish Lira (Try) Since 2021, and how this led to a significant reduction in the value of the Turkish currency. And note that Bitcoin was among the highest performance assets in the same time frame.

The US Union’s potential encryption project is attracted

A member of the European Parliament, Sarah Navo, recently Urging the European Union To consider establishing a strategic bachelors reserves for bitcoin.

It shed light on the clear success of El Salvador, a country that officially adopted Bitcoin. According to reports, Al Salvador’s economy has transformed through President Nayb Bokil’s adoption by Bitcoin and other front thinking initiatives.

Distinctive image from Gemini Imagen, the tradingvief chart

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