Binance to delete this 5 main encryption. The collapse of the price is imminent?
Binance has sparked market discussions with her last step to delete five symbols from her platform. This raised the market concerns about a possible collapse of symbols in the coming days. According to the advertisement, the encryption in the menu is Aergo, Airswap (AST), BurgerCities (Burger), Combo (Combo) and linear financing (LINA).
Binance to remove these cryptocurrencies. That is why
Binance recently announced Delist Aergo, Airswap (AST), Burgercities (Burger), Combo (Combo), linear financing (LINA) from its platform, raising market concerns. It is worth noting that the leading stock exchanges often have a major impact on the market and any major advertisement of them can affect asset prices.
For context, the stock exchange recently expanded its support for broccoli and other encrypted currencies. After announcing it, all encryption prices rose, reflecting the severe effect of exchange. Given that the latest release announcement may lead to a wide sale of the aforementioned symbols.
At the same time, and He said the exchange of encryption It often performs periodic assessments to ensure compliance with industry standards. Failure to meet the criteria leads to removing symbols. The stock exchange has mentioned many aspects behind its abnormal decision, such as the project commitment, circulation liquidity, organizational concerns, and security risks.
A closer look at the Binance Advertisement
The Aergo, AST, Burger, Combo and LINA trading will stop trading from March 28 at 03:00 UTC. Several major services, including futures contracts, margin trading, and reckless options will be stopped before the official removal date. It is worth noting:
- Binance futures will be closed All parking and automatic leveling of Aergousdt, Combousdt and Linausdt Perpetual on March 27 at 09:00 UTC.
- Margin trading In order to disrupt the affected codes from March 26 at 06:00 UTC, users advised to close the positions before liquidation.
- The deposits of these symbols The credit will not take place after March 29, and withdrawals will be supported after May 27.
In addition, the Stock Exchange said that it will make a vote on the advantage of deleting, allowing society to have an opinion on future deletion decisions. However, the current batch of filled symbols will not be part of this initiative.
How do these five symbols perform?
The Aergo price fell by more than 6 % to $ 0.06845 after the Binance announcement, as the trading volume increased by 43 % to 30.46 million dollars. On the other hand, the AST price decreased by about 28 % to $ 0.03375 with one -day folder missile by 88 % to $ 5.25 million.
At one time, the price of the burgers decreased by 48 % to $ 0.1127 while the price of liberalization and narration decreased by 20 %. The linear financing price also recorded a decrease of more than 32 %, indicating the high interest of the market in the symbols.
Responsibility: Is market research before investing in encrypted currencies? The author or post does not bear any responsibility for your personal financial loss.