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The peak of the encryption market? StableCoin Supplerge says there is more space for operation

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The encryption market has been struggling to earn momentum in recent weeks, as Bitcoin and major cocoes have decreased to their lowest levels in this session. The price is not far from the encouragement, leaving many traders wondering whether it was the market It has already reached its climax. However, a closer look at Stablecoin data tells a different story indicating that the bull cycle has not ended.

Stablecoin supplies and market courses

The data on the series shows an interesting relationship between the Stablecoin Market, Bull and Bearin and other encrypted currencies. This style, Select it The analysis platform indicates the InTotheblock series, that Stablecoin Suppert has reached its historical peak along with the main market peaks. The relationship indicates that the increase in Stablecoin supplies often indicates the final stages of the bull run, with declines in the show usually coinciding with the emergence of homosexuality.

Looking at the previous market courses enhances this trend, especially in the case of bitcoin. In April 2022, the total Stablecoin supplies reached its highest level at $ 187 billion. Soon after, the supply began to decline, completely aligned with the start of the last bear market. This stage witnessed Bitcoin subject to a long decrease, with prices firmly decreased Until they came out In January 2023. The sharp decline in Stablecoin supplies has decreased throughout that period, contrary to a broader transformation in investor morale as liquidity left the market.

At the time of writing this report, Stablecoin’s supplies continued to climb despite the correction of the price of 24 % bitcoin of its highest level ever. Stablecoin supplies rose to $ 219 billion and continues to climb. This indicates that the market It is still in the mid -session stage Instead of approaching its peak.

image From x: INTOTHEBLOCK

Stablecoins closes on the ceiling of the ethereum market

last Note Regarding the Stablecoin market is that although the last prices in the broader encryption market, Stablecoins still has great liquidity. It is worth noting that the total stablecoin supply is now only $ 10 billion in the market value of Ethereum.

The total maximum Crypto market is currently at $ 2.7 trillion. table: Tradingvief

This phenomenon is in line with the decline in the last prices, which many investors have witnessed out of their positions in Bitcoin and other encrypted currencies and then transferred To USDT and other stablecoins. However, the fact that this money remains in the encryption industry, not outside it.

Although the increasing offer of stablecoin reflects the increasing caution of investors, it also means that a large group of capital is ready to publish as soon as the market conditions improve.

image From x: INTOTHEBLOCK

At the time of this report, Bitcoin is traded at $ 84,325, After spending more From the past 24 hours, it trades between 83,688 dollars and 84,504 dollars. On the other hand, the encryption market has witnessed a modest increase of 0.3 % in the past 24 hours. It is currently $ 2.75 trillion, a decrease of 25.8 % of its peaks of $ 3.72 trillion in December 2024.

If the course is approaching its end, history indicates that Stablecoin supplies would have already started to decline. Instead, the upward trend indicates the continuous market participation and the possibility of more upward trend.

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