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Crypto News

The analyst determines $ 100 as a “realistic” goal for the XRP price in this bull running

Crypto Analyst XRP CAPTAIN has provided the super -ups of the XRP price. He suggested that the encryption reach the triple numbers in this market cycle, while emphasizing that this ambitious price goal is realistic.

The analyst determines a “realistic” goal of $ 100 per XRP

in X postCaptain XRP stated that $ 100 is a realistic goal for XRP in this bull. However, the analyst failed to mention when exactly XRP can reach this ambitious goal or what the equivalent gathering can provoke this target price.

This prediction comes just as mentioned by Crypto Egrag Crypto that XRP will reach double numbers in this market cycle and then the triple numbers in the next round. Meanwhile, the Crypto Dark Defender analyst gave a more upward look at the XRP coin.

Dark Defender recently expected that the price of XRP can amount to $ 333 if it reflects its performance in the 2017 bull race. Analysts such as EGRAG Crypto indicated to the historical coin performance in 2017 because the reason why it can have tremendous gains in this running.

An insightful look at the current price of encryption

In the X Publication, Dark Defender stated that the XRP price is the 1 wave on the daily chart. He pointed out that the encryption is expected to move about $ 2.42 first. The analyst confirmed that the real momentum will start after XRP stands over Ichimoku clouds.

Then the analyst highlighted $ 2.22 and $ 2.04 as support levels to pay attention, while the goals are $ 4.2932 and $ 5.8563. As COININAPE mentioned, the Crypto Rose Premium analyst also expects that XRP will reach $ 5 soon as Blackrock is preparing to offer ETF.

Egrag Crypto stated that XRP dominance shows enormous strength. He pointed out that dominance is about to close above 2021 by 6 %, bypassing FIB 0.6, which is considered a critical level and an upward sign as soon as this closure occurs.


The analyst also noted that if dominance is successfully closed over FIB 0.5, it may rise directly to FIB 0.888, which is its goal from 15 to 20 %. He added that this will be in line with the 2015 rises. It should be noted that EGRAG coded previously confirmed that XRP will turn Ethereum to become the second largest encryption in the market.

In another X Publication, the analyst stated that the relative strength index of XRP (RSI) steadily beats up and that it is just a matter of time before participants in the market witnessed a heavenly step.


Egrag Crypto also highlighted the main RSI goals. He stated that 70 for the upscale confirmation, 77 for the upscale momentum, 85 dedicated to the upcoming continuation, and 89 dedicated to controlling the price of XRP.


Boluwatife Adeyemi

Boluwatife Adeyemi is a writer and editor of encryption news that covered topics that exceed many topics and ports. Boluwatife has a talent to simplify the most technical concepts and make it easy for the novice encoded. Away from writing, he is a fan of thirsty basketball, traveler and part -time.

Responsibility: Is market research before investing in encrypted currencies? The author or post does not bear any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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