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HyperleQud 50x eth Whale is now betting on the link

The cryptocurrency dealer that entered the trading boundaries (ETH) that tested Hyperliqueid on March 12 is another millions of dollars, this time in ChainLink (Link), as on the data on ONSAIN appears.

On March 14, the unknown whale, referred to on X called “ETH 50x Big Guy”, made long sites in LINK worth about $ 31 million with a crane 10 times, according to Lookonchain, Web3 Analysis Service.

Place the bets on Hyplerliquid and GMX, and two famous permanent stock exchanges, Lokonchain He said At the end of March 14. In addition, the whale accumulated approximately $ 12 million in the local link.

In the hours that followed, the whale gradually reduced the link from the links through the small barters again to Stablecoins, according to UNICHEN Data.

source: Lookonchain

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Huge trading gains

On March 12, the unknown trader deliberately liquidated the ETH website, which caused the loss of HLP liquidity in HLP, causing a loss of $ 4 million. The profits of the trader amounted to about $ 1.8 million.

According to Lookonchain, Trader won nearly $ 17 million last month on Hyperleliid.

The accident has highlighted the challenges facing permanent trading platforms such as Hyperleliliquid, which enables traders to take long or short sites several times of deposited capital.

Hyperiquid said that Trader’s actions were not eligible as exploitation and instead were the result of a predictive of its trading mechanics in light of the harsh conditions.

In response to the losses, Hyperleiid announced on March 13, a revised side bases for traders who have open positions to protect from similar edge cases in the future.

It was launched in 2024, and the leading Exchange Perpetuals in Hyperlelib acquired 70 % of the market share, bypassing its competitors such as GMX and DYDX, according to a report issued by the asset manager in January.

ChainLink, the most famous Orasle service in Oracle, has witnessed the price of the original link by more than 150 % in the weeks followed by President Donald Trump in the American elections.

Since then, it has abandoned many of these gains, as it decreased from the top of $ 30 per code in December to less than $ 14 as of March 14, according to Data From Coingecko.

ChainLink’s market value is about $ 8.7 billion.

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