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UNISWAP bleeds 22 % – is this whale behind the decrease?

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The loss of one encryption exchange is another encryption exchange. This is true with the exchanging currency of the Uiswap after it recorded a weekly loss to more than 20 % that a large investor brought spoils a large number of symbols.

The loss of UISWAP was the profit of Krakin after the aforementioned whale moved 2.25 million Uni Codes to the encrypted currency exchange platform in what analysts believe an attempt to reduce losses.

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Analysts said that UNI, the original symbol of UISWAP, recorded a 20 % weekly loss after the currency decreased by 2.80 % in the past 24 hours. The tremendous loss led to a decrease in the price of Uni to $ 5.80 on Wratdnеdoth.

According to the encryption analyst, The Drop, which came amid the increasing sale pressure, can be attributed to a large investor who has emptied a large part of his UNI symbols and transferred it to another encryption exchange platform.

“I provided a whale every $ 2.25 million UNI ($ 13.71 million) to #Kraken two hours ago,” said Lookonchain.

“Cut the losses”

In a post, Lookonchain It is believed that the whale can give up an attempt to “reduce losses” after an unrealized profit from the icon icon has disappeared.

“The whale accumulated $ 2.25 million UNI ($ 15.57 million) at an average price of $ 6.92 between September 7, 2023 and November 18, 2024,”

At its peak, the market observer said that the great investor recorded an unrealistic profit of $ 26.5 million. However, the last market conditions of unrevenated uni’ah profits reduced only $ 1.86 million, which may be the main reason behind the whale decided to transfer $ 13.71 million from the distinctive icons of UNI to KAKEN.

Haboudia signal

Another encryption analyst noted that the indicators showed a huge picture of UISWAP. Santiment shared his analysis on what could be the future of Uiswap using the scales on the series, saying that the exchange of exchange flow increased by -428,920 to 2.23 million within two days.

UNI is currently trading at $ 5.8. table: Tradingvief

The scale, which follows the movement of clear symbols inside and outside the exchange portfolios, showed that there is a possible increase in the sale of pressure, indicating that many symbols are transferred to the exchange portfolios.

Another scale, which is the display on the stock exchanges, explains that the distinctive symbol more By 2.67 % in the past 24 hours, and the analyst has claimed to strengthen the idea of ​​merchants who rejoice their UNI property amid low confidence in UISWAP performance.

Previous data showed that such trends usually lead to an additional decrease in the distinctive code price.

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Other market observers examined UNI technical indicators, which revealed a negative feeling about the original symbol of Uiswap. Bolinger ranges showed that they are tightened with the middle range at $ 7.470. Meanwhile, the upper and lower ranges are at $ 9.33 and $ 5.608, respectively.

Analysts said the price of the UNI is at the bottom, indicating a strong declining momentum, which can explain the decrease in the unintended profit of the distinctive symbol.

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