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Random begging: Quakeservices and fake Newsbreak employee

I am tired of unwanted, desperate, and non -compatible random email messages that are begging to sell guests and links? Corresponding Quakeservices.comSomeone is called an awareness service that works on the online post

In the midst of this compassionate process and fake demands for employment is the nickname Harley Group– Or at least this is the name they slapped on their emails ([email protected]).

But wait, to sign the email sent with, the sender suddenly turns into a completely different person called LinClaiming work in As “Awareness Director”. Because, of course, all legal awareness managers use good reputable news sites Free Gmail accounts To behave business, right?

Unwanted email – paid model after the random mail beg – with lies

From – Harley Group[email protected]


I am working on _https: // Awareness Director. If you are looking for guest posts on our websites. Yes, we accept the posts you sponsor, and we have an editorial fee of $ … for a public and $ … for casino/CBD Post.

** Google News agreed
** AHREFS: ** 202,058

** Semrush traffic: 3M
** Da: ** 70

** Dr: ** 81

** Back links: ** 2.1M

** Referral fields: ** 11.13k

** Domain era: ** 25y (1997-09)

Topics: About everything: news, travel, celebrities, encryption, financing,
Culture, health, politics, business and technology

Tamama Taman: <<< ** This was not written-it's a missing article by CNN!
Other services offered (the price differs from regular platforms, casino, the informational agreement for the Internet and trade):

** Notes:

  • A limited amount of guest posts available every month!
  • Guest functions only allow quality
  • All links are tracking
  • Not all the guest posts are marked as functions with care.
  • We keep all of our web sites and we constantly increase
  • Web network.
  • All websites are our own property, and we do not work as
  • Broker, this guarantees the best price in the market!
  • More than $ 1500 orders have a 15 % discount.
  • We can publish within 24 hours or faster! We have a 2-shift team
  • Check our emails 24/7.
  • Our customers include Fortune 500 companies!
  • We accept Payoneer and bank transfer.

** Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks and greetings.

Awareness specialist


Red flags loom

  1. Fake identity circus: Harley Group or Ruin? Choose a name and stick! If you are lying, at least do it convincingly.

  2. Newsbreak? Not buying it: will be used to find out its name in this amateur fraud. The real awareness managers do not work from Gmail.

  3. gross domestic product? What is this? These unwanted emails do not even try to comply with GDP. No canceling the subscription, no details of the appropriate company

  4. Distribution nonsense: They do not even have the links or the chances of publishing the guests that they scream with. Instead, they are a ribbon trying to turn the exaggerated back bonds while paying your inbox with desperate nonsense.

The growing global discomfort for beggars who make independent messages

Web owners everywhere get sick and get tired of Infinitely from the flood from the emails sent to the paid guest From the so -called “awareness experts” and “Guest of the Post Specialists”.

It is the same old story every time: A random person with a general Gmail account claims that he offers distinct places on sites they don’t even have. Independent independent beggars, such as cockroaches such as rapid cockroaches, multiply with the same recycled cookies.

These people are amazing. They will name the main publications, claim that they have contacts from the inside, and insist that their links will be strengthened “SEO”.

But let’s be real – these people You cannot reach anything legitimate.

They are brokers, distributors, and the random wedding patients who tend to commission try to pressure the money from the owners of reassuring web sites who know nothing better.

More and more The owners of the site are fighting again By publicly revealing these emails, warning others, calling the fake. Forum and blogs and even social media platforms are filled with complaints about these fraudsters.

Some owners of the site are even publishing Microscopic email messages They receive to showcase these and non -professional awareness attempts.

And let us talk about the so -called “professionalism”. Using fake names? Prevention of working on the main news sites while sending an email from the free Gmail address? If you are an expert working on a major platform, why don’t you use an email for the company’s field?

And why not Proven Your credibility instead of submitting baseless claims? Because the truth is, they have Zero credibility-At the moment when you are actually asking for their so -called arrival, it fades faster than the disturbance of Fiverer.

Work yourself known – prohibition and report

If you see an email from Harley Groff, Roen, or any other borrowed name they reach after that, do not waste your time. Put this as unwanted, and inform it of the gross domestic product violations, and move forward. The Internet contains enough lower nutrients. We do not need to entertain the random circus. Just another name in the long menu of random mail operations for the invalid distributor that tries to benefit from the guest of the post and a cookie structure. If you are looking for real PR or SEO services, you may start with someone who does not pretend to work in while using the Gmail address.

And for all independent beggars in the random mail there –Stop wasting everyone’s time. We see through your nonsense, and we do not buy what you sell.

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