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SEC postpones the judgment on ETH ETF options

The US Securities and Stock Exchange Committee has launched whether to allow the exchange of CBOE BZX to list the options associated with the Director of Ether Assets (ETH) (ETH).

The agency gave itself until May 14 to approval or reject the CBOE BZX request to include options associated with the Fedelity Ethereum (Feth). According to To March 12 file.

The CBOE BZX file initially said to list the options on ETHE ETFS FIDELITY in January.

Insert options on ether boxes are an important step in attracting institutional capital to the encrypted currency.

Ether etfs by net assets. source: Vitavi

Related to: SEC admits a large number of Crypto ETF files as reviews, approvals accelerate


In February, the Supreme Education Council recognized more than ten exchange files related to cryptocurrencies, according to records.

SEC’s thanks and appreciation for how the agency has eased its position on encryption since US President Donald Trump began his second term on January 20.

On March 11, CBOE BZX asked the organizers to obtain permission to combine deception into ETHE ETF from Fidelity. Neither the United States’ Ether Fund is publicly circulating.

Staking Ether reinforces the returns and includes the spread of ETH as a guarantee with verification in exchange for bonuses.

Feth’s Feth is among the most popular ether boxes, with about $ 780 million in net assets from March 12, according to Vettafi data.

In February, the Securities and Stock Exchange Commission was delayed in deciding on the similar base changes proposed by its NASDAQ ISE and CBOE, CBOE Exchange- both securities exchange in the United States.

The agency intends to decide by April whether Nasdak can list the options associated with ISHARES ETAREUM TRUST from Blackrock (Etha).

Blackrock is the largest eth ETF, more than $ 3.7 billion of net assets, according to Vettafi data.

This will judge the CBOE Exchange offer to include options in the fidelity box in May.

Ether ethe etfs was listed in July 2024 and began attracting approximately $ 7 billion of net assets, according to Vettafi data.

The options are the contracts that give the right to buy or sell – “communication” or “PUT”, in the language of Trader – one of the basic assets at a certain price.

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