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Amnesty International wants to repair your network before it explodes – but can you trust it?

Not so long ago, the experience in network management and data centers were one of the people who made effort, as officials entered orders, formed routers, balanced loads, and the blockages that were caught. Quickly forward to this day, and the revolution of artificial intelligence is a change in games-automation to make fast decisions, predict failure before causing vibrations, improving infrastructure in ways that people can never.

But how much is this real? How much is the marketing noise?

Cut it – and cut it again – look at artificial intelligence in networks and data centers today, who use it and where a difference happens, as well as what needs to be done better.

⚡ Converting networks from interaction to the infrastructure that AI drives

The network management was traditionally an interactive task. Something breaks? Engineer works. Cumin mutations? Someone exploring and fixing errors. However, networks that support artificial intelligence moved us away from fighting interactive fires and towards a pre -emptive self -healing system.

Artificial intelligence redefines networks.

  • Automatically improving traffic: The AI-Wan and Neultent networks allow, dynamic traffic, directing dynamic movement, and borrowing through databases, in actual time, based on the current demand.

  • Prediction maintenance: ML algorithms can be trained in historical network data that help artificial intelligence predict the failure of devices (for example, keys, routers, fiber links) before they occur, reducing failure and time that can be expensive.

  • Disclosure of anomalies and security: Artificial intelligence can discover anomalous traffic patterns that may indicate an electronic attack, the formation of poor composition, or internal threat-all the common events that tend to miss traditional rules-based systems.

  • Dynamic service quality: Artificial Intelligence (AI)-It gives network monitoring tools based on traffic priority based on actual work needs, followed by ensuring that heavy data applications can get precedence over other unimportant traffic.

🔗 Cisco AI’s overview

🏢 Amnesty International and the Future Data Center

So, modern data centers are a logistical Helscape – you manage energy, cooling, security, storage, account and network, all at the same time. Artificial intelligence is coming to improve everything to achieve efficiency, size and independence.

Data centers have become more intelligent thanks to artificial intelligence.

  • Improving cooling and energy efficiency: Artificial intelligence reads the temperature, distribution of pregnancy and air flow to negatively adjust the cooling power, which reduces energy consumption. (Example of the industry: Google has reduced the data center cooling costs to 40 % by adopting Deepmine AI.)

  • Smart resources customization: This includes coordinating the burden of work with artificial intelligence, which can distribute the burden of work intelligently to jobs on multiple servers to reduce resource waste and increase efficiency. As expected, artificial intelligence, on the other hand, makes potential scaling at the level of my sweetheart instead of allocating resources to fixed resources, which greatly reduces waste of energy and cost.

  • Self -recovery infrastructure: Artificial intelligence discovers the deterioration of devices in the early stage before breakdowns and the proactive mitigation begins (for example, the transfer of work burdens from the contract in failure). Excessive hope is tried with the replacement of devices with robots driven by artificial intelligence.

  • Automatic Service Corporation: Artificial intelligence coordinates what complicated changes are often, and parallel to the network, so that if there are many changes, then human work is less and changes are published faster. BGP Peering, VLAN signs, or cloud tie instead of hand -to -hand software via artificial intelligence, for example.

🔗 AI -Google Data Center efficiency

🏙The importance of the rim of artificial intelligence in networks and data data environments

Since AI’s work burdens are in height, putting everything on the cloud is no longer a smart choice. Enter the edge computing.

Why AI moves to the edge.

  • Low cumin: Treating work burdens of artificial intelligence closer to the user in timely decisions – independent compounds, industrial robots, smart cities, etc.
  • Decrease in the costs of the frequency range: Not every application requires data return to a central data center – EDGE AI performs this task locally.
  • Real time inference: Applications such as safety, fraud detection, and seeing the whole machine is powered by artificial intelligence and should respond in actual time, so the tasks on the edge are perfect.
  • example: The Autopilot from Tesla does not broadcast the raw video to the cloud data center-the edge of the AI ​​on the device is currently.

How networks need adaptation.

Providing low -speed connections between devices, edge and central data centers is AI on the edge. The following 5G networks and the next generation networks will play a major role in making computing that supports male intelligence.

🔗 Edge ai and networks

AI is not the solution: challenges and risks

Even while artificial intelligence comes to a revolution in networks and data centers, this is not sure. Here are some of the most important road barriers:

  • Artificial intelligence still needs quality data. Artificial intelligence models are good only as the data you train on. Even garbage data = garbage predictions.
  • For example: The monitoring of the artificial intelligence network contains a very large number of misconceptions, where regular traffic is marked as anomalies.
  • General expenditures and complexity. Automation that works from artificial intelligence can sometimes be provided an additional level of complexity, when things go well, it is difficult for engineers to diagnose the problem. “AI Disconfiguration” is a real threat-artificial intelligence may somehow a network that somehow adds crowding.
  • Security risks. The attackers are already benefiting from testicle attacks to evade security systems in which artificial intelligence operates. Artificial intelligence who has poorly trained new gap points can be created instead of closing them.

🔮 How will artificial intelligence change networks and data centers

We have not yet-not fully in the network/data data driven by artificial intelligence-but we move in this direction. Some trends to watch:

  • The original networks of Amnesty International: Companies like Juniper, Cisco and Arista use control units in the original network of artificial intelligence so that they do not even have to control anything manually.

  • AI’s improved network chips: The designated AI’s accelerator chips will determine the packet guidance and perform a deep beams faster than ever.

  • Amnesty International for the neutral data centers of carbon: Find the scheduling of the trained artificial intelligence of carbon-transfer of work burdens to server farms with a green energy mixture.

🔗 Juniper Mist AI: Acting networks


Artificial intelligence helps networks and data centers to be smarter, fast and effective.

The improved fabric networks, the cooling of intelligence, and predictive maintenance are just some of the ways in which the industry operates on the full autonomous infrastructure.

But artificial intelligence is not a bad remedy, difficult mistakes, and security risks, all need human supervision.

the future? The structure of the networks that AI drives, artificial intelligence slices of artificial intelligence, real self -healing.

Thanks for reading!

What is the effect that there will be artificial intelligence on network centers and data in the future?

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