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The five moments of Zuckerberg with world leaders: the book of the former employee

  • Mark Zuckerberg has fulfilled his fair share of foreign leaders over the years.
  • But a former Facebook executive official said that the Zuckerberg meetings did not always go according to the plan.
  • Sarah Wayne Williams detailed her experience in working with Zuckerberg in her memoirs, “The neglected people”.

A former executive on Facebook wrote in her new notes.

Sarah Win Williams worked at Meta- then called Facebook- from 2011 to 2017. The former New Zealand diplomat and international lawyer was the company’s global public policy manager.

In her new book, “Careless People”, which was published on Tuesday, Wynn-Williams narrated what happened in meetings and trips with Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg did not want to speak to the Prime Minister in New Zealand

Wynn-Williams said that the first task she received after joining Facebook in July 2011 is the arrangement for the new Prime Minister at that time John Key to Facebook headquarters in California.

Initially, Wynn-Williams assume that Zuckerberg would host the key but was said otherwise.

“People do not honestly sacrifice, but they are approaching. It has made it clear to me that Mark is not interested in politics or politics-the world of Sherrill-especially an interest in interviewing the Prime Minister of New Zealand,” said Win Williams, noting that Facebook is not an interest in interviewing the Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Win Williams said that Zuckerberg refused to meet a key even when the leader of the New Zealand was standing in front of him directly. Zuckerberg approached the husband while Wynn-Williams was hosting the key in the office, apparently unaware of the Key.

Hi Mark – Do you want to meet the Prime Minister of New Zealand? ” Wayne Williams said she asked Zuckerberg after that.

He answered, before I already said that I definitely do not want to do it, “before Williams told him that the key was standing beside her.

Wayne Williams said that Zuckerberg was surprised by the presence of Ki, then shook hands with him. Then she appealed to Facebook founder to have a “quick word” with the key.

“Mark makes what he can generously call a polite conversation with the Prime Minister, if he is not very annoyed. Everyone feels effort,” Win Williams wrote.

Zuckerberg “nervous and sweat

Wayne Williams wrote in her book that Zuckerberg was “tense and smell of race” when he met the then Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev in 2012 and then President Park John Hayy in 2013.

“Of course, this is the same man who has never shown any interest in politics or countries outside the United States since I arrived on Facebook. Or almost no interest,” Winames wrote.

While reviewing Zuckerberg on the meeting protocols of a trip to South Korea in 2014, Win Williams said that Zuckerberg dealt with it “like a strange session.”

Wayne Williams said that Zuckerberg began to show “handshake hands” when she tried to teach him how to salute the South Korean president with a bow.

“He crosses his arms like LL Jool J Cool J and his body shakes from the side hip -hop style, before moving to a series of bumps, five highs, and low five.”

Zuckerberg left alone on stage after Colombia’s president left a joint appearance in the media early

In January 2015, Zuckerberg met with the then President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, to talk about, an initiative by Facebook to give developing countries free internet access.

But Zuckerberg’s meeting with Santos started on the wrong foot. Wayne Williams said that Zuckerberg did not read his briefing materials and arrived late at the meeting.

“When Mark finally arrives, we made a march on the upper floor to the president’s office. No one admits to our delay, but it is clear that it is very uncomfortable.”

When Santos talked about Salam with the group of rebels, the Revolutionary Armed Forces in Colombia, or Fark said that Zuckerberg seemed “disorganized, with wide eyes from a man who has not read his brief.”

Win Williams said Santos was not binding when Zuckerberg suggested adding more Colombian government sites to the application.

The media event at Zuckerberg ended with Santos after their meeting, which was supposed to work for an hour and a half, less than half an hour.

Santos suddenly wrote, Win Williams wrote, and he left Zuckerberg alone on stage.

The security details of Zuckerberg were mistakenly pushed the President of Guatemala during a summit in Panama

Wynn-Williams said it has put Zuckerberg to attend the American summit in Panama in April 2015 to promote to foreign leaders.

Zuckerberg was common at the top, and Wayne Williams said they found themselves “absorbed in a spiral of people.” This development has prompted the security details of Zuckerberg to try to clear its way to reach its next meeting, for each Wynn-Williams account.

Wayne Williams wrote: “While his bodyguard is distorting the power of a group of men to the side, the sad sound goes beyond:” But, but … I am the president of Guatemala. “

She added: “Mark looks like me, what is the diplomatic protocol after she paid Guatemala president? Before I can say anything, I see the smile playing on his lips.” “This is definitely not a diplomatic response, and everyone sees it as well.”

Zuckerberg’s failed attempt to meet the leader of China

In November 2016, Wynn-Williams tried to create a “spontaneous meeting” between Zuckerberg and Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the APEC summit in Lima, Peru.

For an opportunity engineer, Wynn-Williams wrote that she had arranged for the main Zuckerberg speech before eleventh. She also got a dressing room for Zuckerberg next to Xi’s.

But things did not go according to the plan. Wayne Williams wrote that Zuckerberg ended up from Xi’s point of view through the security details of the Chinese leader.

She added: “It is a rays of men, in an identical gray costume, who walk in the formation of what is after us. Mark is staring at disbelief, and an open mouth.

Wayne Williams wrote “men of Shi” a human wall of human “” between the rooms of tissue Shi and Zuckerberg. Men’s spread only after Xi entered his room.

“Oh, I think the clouds will not happen,” Zuckerberg told Win -Williams.

When I called the comment on Wynn-Williams, she told a Meta Business Insider that she was “launched for weak performance and toxic behavior” in 2017.

“This book is a mixture of old allegations that have been previously reported about the company and the wrong accusations about our executives,” said a spokesman.

Zuckerberg representatives in Meta did not respond to the Bi.

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