Australia in the Bitcoin session: The Termination Party calls for a national encoding reserve

The Australian Liberation Party released A white paper defends the creation of the Bitcoin National Reserve. The party argues that Bitcoin, with its fixed 21 million coins, is a hedge against inflation and can provide long -term financial stability. Reserve can be funded through the “future box” or “budget surplus” or the sale of state assets.
Behind the reserve, the white paper also calls for tax exemption. Specifically, it is suggested that the capital profit tax be canceled on the daily bitcoin transactions for Australia as a friend of encryption. In addition, the party supports the power of the right to self -monopoly, ensuring that citizens can possess and manage their bitcoin without relying on mediators.
Another major issue is Bitcoin Mining List. The party calls for a neutral technology approach that encourages sustainable mining instead of restricting it with excessive regulations.
The proposals sparked mixed reactions. Critics are wondering whether the party has a sufficient impact to implement these measures. However, the white paper may help lead the political debate on Bitcoin in Australia, following the example of the United States, as Bitcoin reserves have become part of the financial strategies.