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Crypto News

Dydx reveals 2025 road map

An opening note: The following content does not reflect the views or opinions of Beincrypto. It is provided for media purposes only and should not be explained as a financial advice. Please do your research before making any investment decisions.

Dydx A New strategy road map It aims to enhance its position in the decentralized derivative market. With the sophisticated scene quickly, the team gives priority to stability from the statute, enhance the user experience, and expand available trading tools. It confirms the return of the founder as the CEO of the company’s commitment to effective leadership and continuous innovation.

Reliable statute guarantee during the fluctuation of the market

While the DYDX series remained stable, the site suffered from disturbances due to the instability of the index. To address this, three engineers dedicated to eliminating the time of stopping, meaningless data, and productivity restrictions were appointed by the end of Q1 2025.

Faster deposits and withdrawal

In partnership with SKIP, DYDX offers a simplified deposit and withdrawal process, allowing users to reach their money on the Dydx series in less than one minute – holding a current 18+ minute.

Launching the new mobile phone interface

The updated Dydx Mobile app features a simplified interface designed to develop the next generation of permanent merchants. This experiment will later be expanded to the mobile web, which greatly improves access to retail users.

Enhancing the front facade functions and demand for the web

Promotions include a faster framework at the front end, expanded trading orders (only maximum limit orders, TwAP orders, domain orders), and additional features such as the funding rate payment record.

More transparency and regular updates

In the coming months, DYDX will provide development and publishing updates every two weeks, ensuring that users have clear visions in the statute improvements, error repairs and new features.

The mid -term strategy for 2025

After implementing these instant priorities, DYDX will issue a more detailed road map. The main areas of expansion include:

  • Expand the scope of trading assetsIncluding support for long and unique markets.
  • Integration with Ethereum via IBC EurekaEnabling symbolic transfers with the safety of the ZK Light customer, which paves the way for immediate trading and multiple collective solutions.
  • Promotion of Megavaut mechanism To improve capital and liquidity efficiency.
  • Distribution channels expand Through the partnerships of the portfolio and the complex.
  • API trading tools offer For professional traders who use Hummingbot, CCXT and other systematic trading strategies.
  • Update the distinctive symbol modelProvide new reward programs, advanced graphics discounts, and incentives of the additional ecosystem.

Financial strength and long -term vision

Dydx The capital remains good, with $ 150 million reserves in DYDX laboratories and the additional decentralized independent organization (DAO).

The Defi Destruction Market continues to expand, however it still represents less than 10 % of the central drainage sizes. DYDX aims to establish itself as a pioneering, derivative, and derivative platform over the coming years.

In 2025, the company is committed to enhancing its basis by improving stability, improving the user experience, and adapting the platform to meet the advanced needs of merchants around the world.


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