I was like a parent of my young brothers. You prepared me to be my mother
- I am about 10 years older than my younger siblings, and I have always helped take care of them.
- The bathrooms gave them, fed them, called them at school, and hosted them in my apartment.
- The presence of this type of relationship made me more confident that I can be a good parent.
When I was young, I begged my mother for the sake The younger brotherBut she swore that she had finished having children. She dreamed of feeling kicking in her stomach, walking her vehicles, and helping the silence of loud screams.
After about five years, my dream became true – not only once, but twice. My younger sister arrived first, followed by my younger brother after only 13 months. I was so excited that the fourth grade teacher allows me to count the countdown for the days until the first round of my mother in the blackboard in the white.
By that time, my country Parents have been separated For a few years. My older brother and I lived with our father, and we had no much to contact my security. But when she told us that she had a child, everything changed.
I felt that I would be a big sister
I always knew that I was supposed to be a big sister. At every opportunity I got, I was in my mother’s house, bathing bathrooms, nourishing bottles, and eagerly waited for children to wake up from their chant so that we could play abroad. My mother did not ask me to help; These were things that I insisted on doing.
As old, I understood how vital My role as a big sister He was. My brothers’ father was either imprisoned or absent in their early years, and my mother was not a little help. He was not even five years old and six years old began to see them constantly. By that time, my older brother and I went up to the roles that her father was not, and they became like parents more than siblings.
When I am TireMy responsibilities did not fade. My siblings spent weekends in my bedroom, and then in my small apartments. I took them to the beach, museums, theatrical production and the zoo. Once, I even organized a one -month trip for them to give my mother a break when my mother was soaked in being a single parent during the summer.
A few years ago, she had moved away from the place where most of our family lived for a new start and be closer to her parents. Since I am still near most of our extended family, I saw a way to help. I have contacted family members who knew it would be a pleasure to host my brothers and put a calendar, including the week of staying with me, full of activities. That summer was summer, I do not think they would forget it at all, one of them is full of swimming pools, time with their cousins, and their endless love.
All I asked for my mother is that she is leading five hours to drop her in my apartment at the beginning of the trip. From there, I dealt with the rest and returned them home safely Summer adventure I finish.
The author is about 10 years old from her younger brothers.
With the permission of Carly Newberg
My brothers’ care was normal for me
I never wondered whether this type of Parents and brotherhood It was normal because, for me, it was so. The second nature was always for snacks packaging, keeping sunscreen within reach, and holding his hands while crossing the street.
I protection my brothers as if they were my children because, in some days, they felt they were.
Now, my young high school siblings, but my role in their lives has not changed. They know that they can contact me if they need to ride, advice, or someone to vent it. I am the person who communicates with him when they have great news to participate, or need pictures before school dance, or want me to crowd in their extracurricular activities.
When I do for a short time I worked as an alternative teacher After moving to the same city like them, I even studied in their chapters. Instead of embarrassment, they seemed proud to be there.
Being a big sister means celebrating winning, appearing when it is important, and entering when they need more. Last year, it was my sister Hyper and Cyberbulled By a group of girls. When harsh behavior does not stop, she went to her school and demanded that action be taken from the principal.
When I feel nervous than to become one of the parents, I realize that I already have experience
I will never stop defending my young brothers – not because they need me, but because I want it.
I am now 30 now, I stand on The edge of motherhood. In some days, the idea of my mother scares me. That is, so I remember: I was already the personality of the parents of two of the most people I know.
I have never doubted the strength of my mother, but I am grateful because I can intervene and share the caring of care for her.