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Crypto News

The expert expects the price of XRP to $ 280, and here is when

Dark Defender’s encryption expert that the price of XRP can collect to $ 280, providing an upward coding look. The expert referred to the historical performance of XRP about the reason why the currency reaches this ambitious primary goal.

The encryption expert predicts the gathering of the price of XRP to $ 280

in X postDark Defender predicted the collection of XRP prices to 280 dollars as it raised the possibility of repeating performance for the year 2017. In 2017, XRP witnessed a rise in prices to more than 60,000 % on its way to its current highest levels (ATH) by about $ 3.3.


The associated graph showed that XRP can reach this goal 280 dollars between 2026 and 2027, although the equivalent gathering can start this year as the encryption is looking to repeat its performance for the year 2017.

Interestingly, the Egrag Crypto has provided a similar prediction. The analyst predicted that XRP could gather to $ 222 if history repeats itself, referring to the 2017 bull race.

The coffee cup style shows the height to $ 44

In a former post, Dark Defender made a more conservative prediction to mobilize the XRP price to $ 44 based on the “cup of coffee”. He explained that this market style is a U -shaped formation on a price scheme, which indicates a possible reflection of the potential upward trend after the declining direction. This style usually takes weeks to months for development.


The expert stated that he paired this style with Elliot waves, which gave a better picture of the future path of XRP. He stated that the wave 3 is advancing about 5.85 dollars and $ 18.22. WAVE 5 is looking for $ 36, while the cup depth in addition to the coffee level gather at a height of up to $ 44.22.

XRP tests critical resistance

In the X Publication, Casitrades Costumes stated that the price of XRP tests critical resistance at about $ 2.54 and is currently sitting below the trend line for monotheism. He also suggested that if the encryption is broken and taken above the price level of $ 2.54, the following goals are still $ 2.70 and $ 3.05.


The analyst has already highlighted these price levels as bullish goals when it warned that XRP could decrease to $ 1.5 if it fails to get more than $ 2.42. Meanwhile, in her latest analysis, Casitrades noted that she is still tending towards the idea that encryption is still in the early stages of wave 3.

The analyst added that it is not clear yet, but once XRP is broken the previous high levels, the encryption can collect to $ 9.50 to extend the official WAVE 3. She pointed out that this is in line with the macro $ 8 to $ 13.

Ali Martinez’s encryption analyst expects that the price of XRP can soon gather to $ 5. He stated that if XRP avoids the closure below the neck and shoulder line and broke over the right shoulder instead, the declining pattern may be null and void. He added that this step may lead to an upgrade of about 5 dollars.



Boluwatife Adeyemi

Boluwatife Adeyemi is a writer and editor of the encryption news that covers the topics that exceed Defi, NFTS, smart contracts and the interfering operating capacity in Blockchain, among other things. Boluwatife has a talent to simplify the most technical concepts and make it easy for the novice encoded. Outside of writing, he is a thirsty basketball lover and part -time.

Responsibility: Is market research before investing in encrypted currencies? The author or post does not bear any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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