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Swiss National Bank in billions: What is behind the record profit?

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) has informed An amazing annual profit of 80.7 billion Swiss francs for 2024Dramatic transformation from the loss of the previous year of 3.2 billion. The largest driver for this success was a profit of 67.3 billion francs from foreign exchange positions. In addition, the bank’s golden property contributed to the increased evaluation of 21.2 billion, while the franc functions recorded a loss of 7.4 billion.

One of the main factors in this surprise was the increase in gold prices, which increased by 36.7 % to 76.011 francs per kilogram. SNB also benefited from the exchange rate gains, which total the total of 24.7 billion francs. Despite the strong financial performance, the bank remains cautious, with 11.6 billion francs to its foreign reserves.

Sarah news for shareholders: The profit distributions have been determined with a capacity of 15 francs per share – the legally allowed maximum. Moreover, a total of 3 billion francs will be distributed to the Swiss government and Ktante, with two -thirds of the cantons and a third of the federal government. After these payments, the SNB distribution reserve will reach 12.9 billion francs.

What does this record profit for Switzerland mean? While the strong SNB performance enhances confidence, economic volatility remains a source of concern. Upper Egypt fluctuations, global currency movements, and geopolitical doubts may affect future results. Currently, Switzerland can be proud of its national bank.

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