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New Hamshire House

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The New Hamebashire Committee approved the state’s draft law to obtain a Bitcoin reserve yesterday in a 16-1 vote in favor of the draft law.

After voting, the New Hampshire Bitcoin Reserve bill is the latest to be directed to the House of Representatives for full vote.

Bitcoin reserve billBitcoin reserve bill

New Hampshire Bitcoin, one of seven invoice reserves, to arrive at home

The New Hampsheer vote comes as many American countries are trying to form it Bitcoin Reserves. Bitcoin laws Data He explains that seven US bills have arrived at home so far.

Other countries that have made a similar legislative progress in North Carolina, Aklahoma and Tixas include. Meanwhile, the state of Arizona presented the Bitcoin, SB1373 and SB1025 projects, both of which were heading home.

Utah, HB0230 Bitcoin’s Bitcoin Bittle Bill has made the largest progress and is awaiting the final vote of the Senate, which is the last step before its age, according to Bitcoin laws.

If the New Hamebeshere invoice is approved, the state fund, according to his own estimate, will be allowed to invest 5 % of the public fund, the revenue installation fund or any other funds authorized by the legislature.

It can include the New Hampsuer Reserve Altcoins

Bitcoin was not specifically mentioned in the New Hampshire Bill, which requires the average maximum market assets of $ 500 billion throughout the last evaluation year to be eligible for its inclusion.

Currently, Bitcoin is the only encryption that meets this requirement.

But altcoins, especially Ethereum (ETH) with The maximum market He is currently standing at more than 277 billion dollars, it can be eligible in the coming years Institutions Continue to adopt the Web3 space.

Any encoding obtained for the suggested reserve by a qualified guardian or in the form of a trading product (ETP) must be kept.

In addition to digital assets, the New Hampsheer Bill also declares the state treasurer to invest in precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum.

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