Checking or clarity? CFTC and SEC evaluate regulations
Financial organizers in the United States intensify their discussions on how to organize encryption. Discussions between the CFTC and Stock Exchange Committee (CFTC), the Securities and Stock Exchange Committee (second) Employees with the aim of improving coordination.
Caroline Fam, and CFTC The Commissioner stressed the renewed talks, which highlights the importance of close cooperation.
Through a post on X, a Fox Business Eleanor Terrett reporter revealed Fam responses To continuous discussions.
An invitation to increase cooperation
CFTC and SEC have not been able to approve a long time on how to deal with digital assets. Former SEC SEC Speaker Gary Ginsler has launched enforcement measures against several encryption companies. On the other hand, CFTC has constantly argued over a more just approach. FAM comments mean will to start regular cooperation between the two organizational bodies.
🚨NEW: Acting CFTC chair CFTCPHAM He says Secgov and CFTC Employees speak and participate in digital assets and other matters.
“We have restarted the staff -level conversations between CFTC and SEC. We would like to work together. We have worked together well in …
Eleanorterrett March 5, 2025
It is important to identify any government agency that has authority over certain types of digital assets. Most cryptocurrencies are considered securities by the Supreme Education Council, but goods by CFTC, including Bitcoin. This continuous debate created uncertainty in the industry, with companies that are not sure of the rules that must be followed.
Image: SteelEye
Congress interferes
Organizational uncertainty was the subject of legislators seeking solutions. In an attempt to establish a joint advisory committee, Representative John Rose recently presented Digital Assets Law Bridge. The goal of Jac is to provide guidance to the SEC and CFTC regarding their policies, regulations and rules related to digital assets.
“The United States must provide a future in which digital assets can flourish,” said Representative Rose. “The heavy approach that is in charge of the organization” does not work “, and instead it encourages investment in this important innovation abroad.
“The Joint Consultative Committee for Digital Assets will provide a framework for government and private sector partners to cooperate on a way towards success in the organizational scene of digital assets and participants in the private sector,” Rose pointed out.
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Mysterious organizational clarity
There are still clear guidelines for the coding industry, despite renewable discussions. PAM realized the need to increase the ability to predict and transparently in organizational processes. The industry continues to face the challenges of compliance and legal disputes in the absence of an organized framework.
“We have restarted the staff -level conversations between CFTC and SEC. We would like to work together. We have worked well in the past and look forward to returning to the regular system.”
Meanwhile, critics of SEC enforcement approach have some players in the industry claiming to suffocate innovation. Some claim that strict control is very necessary to protect investors from fraud and market treatment. CFTC’s open communication indicates a potential transformation to a more cooperative organizational model.
Anything can happen
Whether the latest conversations lead to any unknown real changes. Although the establishment of the joint advisory committee will need political support, it may be a first step towards a more autistic approach. Until then, the encryption industry will continue to move in the event of organizational uncertainty.
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