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Russia may not include encryption in the investments of the National Welfare Fund

Vladimir Colitv revealed that the Russian Ministry of Finance had no plans to change the current organizational structure of the National Social Welfare Investment. He said that the level of NWF’s saving did not allow the view of risky investments such as Crypto, which he said was “very volatile.”

Deputy Minister of Finance certain NWF will maintain its current organizational structure, which included 60 % of gold and 40 % of gold. Kolichev also added that he had not heard of any discussions about creating a strategic encryption reserve in Russia. He stressed the importance of Russia – from the point of view of the sovereign budget reserves – the assets invested in these reserves can be sold “very quickly and without reassessing large prices.”

Russia to retain the investment strategy in the National Fund for Social Welfare

Colettev revealed that the Russian Ministry of Finance does not have immediate plans to buy or retain any encryption assets as part of NWF investments, but it claimed that this may change if a major condition was met.

He said it was too early to talk about the possibility of including the encryption assets, which he considered volatile and risky. The Deputy Minister explained that NWF’s liquid funds should top up to 7-10 % of Russia’s gross domestic product before Moscow considered the purchase of “more dangerous” assets such as encryption. Next, the NWF’s money will be investing in less liquid and more profitable assets.

However, Colettev also indicated that Russia is still “far from reaching its desired levels of various reserves, which is why Moscow has only bought gold and yuan reserves at the present time. He has confirmed that he had previously been seen in any discussions about the establishment of a Russian encoded reserve, similar to what the Trump administration is depicting in the United States.

“When we get there, we will be able to think about different origins, including encryption. However, at the present time, signs of volatility are not favorable.”

– Vladimir Colettev

President Trump has signed an executive order in February ordering the creation of a sovereign wealth box (SWF) next year, hinting that he could buy Tiktok. Trump told the correspondents that the United States “will create a lot of wealth for the fund” although the text of the executive was separated from the details, which simply directs the treasury and trade sections to provide a plan for “this fund within 90 days”, including recommendations on financing mechanisms, investment strategies, the fund model, and the ruling model.

Russia is still skeptical in strategic encryption reserves

According to Choicev, the Russian Central Bank will make final decisions on the inclusion of encryption in the NWF Reserve. However, it is said that the ruler of the Russian Central Bank Elvira Nabulinina is a known joint protesters who tried several times to organize a Chinese -style ban on encryption in Russia.

The Russian government ruled out the possibility of restoring strategic encryption in December 2024, noting that it would take a cautious position and are expected to take the initiative to buy Bitcoin (Crypto). Anton Celwanov, Russian Finance Minister, stated that the country will be “better in keeping its powder dry.”

Siluanov told the audience of a financial university student that “the issue of establishing a future encryption reserve can be considered” but added that it was not currently at the table.

VANECK analysts estimated that the United States can reduce its debts by 35 % by 2049 if Washington begins to buy bitcoin. American lawmakers have already “set the stage” of SBR by formulating bills that would be the legal framework of such a federal and/or federal investment. According to the Russian lawmakers, their government urged their government to act quickly to keep pace with Washington. However, Siluanov said it was “perhaps one day” the Russian government “will roam the idea.”

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