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The strange condition of the IO breath

Although many properties such as the vertical structure and global dynamics are still well expected, the average atmosphere to enter largely. The weather before and during the transit events in Torus and Levral Clouds are also unknown, so the role of the atmosphere of these events is incomprehensible. We review the basic properties of the atmosphere here. Detailed reviews can be found on IO at de Pateer et al. (2023) and Lellouch et al. (2007).

Horizontal and temporal contrast and volcanic origin versus sublimation is the atmosphere of volcanic inhuman, because the surface frost that can maintain the atmosphere through the sublimation is produced from the accumulation of intense columns material on the surface. Given that the gas column can also interact with the “pre -existing” background atmosphere, the distinction between the “volcanic” and “sublimation” is somewhat up. This question is likely to be formulated in a slightly more accurate way: What is part of the IO atmosphere varies in a predictable way with environmental parameters (local time, distance to the sun, location on the surface); What shows the “wrong” contrast breakage, associated with volcanic activity; What are the orders of the size of these differences? This issue has been significantly clarified over almost 20 years, which led to an unexpected result that may be an “forecast” atmosphere “predict” in general, although open questions are continuing.

Thermal/dynamic accounts also include DSMC models of volcanic columns (Zhang et al Re -enter area. This simulation includes a complete simulation-3 D (MCDONIEL ET Al , 2019). All these models predict with an unusually complex thermal structure that has an IO atmosphere, which thus does not critically restrict from the point of view.


(1) L. Roth, KTH ROYAL Institute of Technology, Space and Plasma Physics, Stockholm, Sweden and the opposite author;

(2) A. Bloker, Cole Royal Institute of Technology, Space Physics and Plasma, Stockholm, Sweden and Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Ludwig Maximilian in Munich, Munich, Germany;

(3) K.

(4) d. Goldstein, Department of Engineering and Engineering, University of Texas in Austin, Austin, Texas, USA;

(5) E. Lellouch, Laboratoire D’ETudes Spatials et d’Artarch en asrophysique (Lesia), obsefatoire de Paris, Meudon, France;

(6) J

(7) C. Schmidt, Space Physics Center, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA;

(8) DF Strobel, Department of Science, Physics and Astronomy, Jones Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA;

(9) C. TAO, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Koganei, Japan;

(10) F. Tsuchia, College of Graduate Studies for Science, University of Tuoku, Sendai, Japan;

(11) V. DOLS, Institute of Astronomical Physics and Planetary Science, National Institute of Astronomical Physics, Italy;

(12) H

(13) a. Mora, xx;

(14) JR Szalay, Department of Astronomical Physical Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA;

(15) SV Badman, Department of Physics, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, La1 4YB, UK;

(16) E.

(17) A.-C. Dott, Geophysics and Meteorological Institute, Colonia University, Cologne, Germany;

(18) M. Kajaitani, College of Graduate Studies for Science, University of Tuoku, Sendai, Japan;

(19) L. Klaiber, Institute of Physics, University of Bern, 3012 Bern, Switzerland;

(20) R. Koga, Department of Earth Sciences and Planets, University of Nagoya, Nagoya, Ishi 464-8601, Japan;

(21) A. MCEWEN, Department of Astronomy, Earth Sciences and Planets Department, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA;

(22) Z. Milby, Department of Geological Sciences and Planets, California Institute of Technology, Pasadina, California 91125, USA;

(23) Kd Retherford, South Western Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA and Texas University in San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, USA;

(24) S. Schlegel, Geophysics and Meteorological Institute, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany;

(25) N. Thomas, Institute of Physics, Bern University, 3012 Bern, Switzerland;

(26) WL TSING, Department of Earth Sciences, Taiwan National University, Taiwan;

(27) a. Foreberger, Institute of Physics, Bern University, 3012 Bern, Switzerland.

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