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Trump asks the assistance of federal court

  • Trump is still facing the potential cancellation of alcohol licenses in New Jersey due to his conviction of silence.
  • His lawyers now want the federal courts to control the state to resume the case of silence.
  • NJ BI officials tell that the cancellation of the license remains suspended, although no date is specified.

President Trump’s lawyers took the extraordinary step this week from the Federal Appeal Court in Manhattan to control the state’s appeal for his conviction in New York.

Trump’s lawyers wrote that the issue of funds is “unusual” and relied on the official laws that are now exempt, to reach a guilty ruling. Trump’s lawyers wrote upon requesting the appeal of the state to the federal court system.

American law allows such transfer from state to federalism, but only in cases before trial. In order for the judges to agree, the defendant must summon a federal defense such as presidential immunity, and it must be proven that the alleged criminal behavior arose from official federal acts, his lawyers argued in a summary of 40 pages.

They wrote: “This is the trial of President Trump, which should never have been brought in, verifying both boxes,” they wrote.

The summary was submitted on Monday to the Court of Appeal in the second intermediate district. It was signed by lawyer Robert J. Jofra Junior.

In the ten months that has passed since his conviction, Trump fought severely in at least four courts to clarify his criminal record.

As long as the condemnation remains in its record, at least two of the three alcohol licenses in New Jersey – for golf stadiums in Trump National Golf Club in Colts Nick and the Trump National Golf Club in Pedmaster, Stay in danger.

On Tuesday, a spokesman for the Public Prosecutor’s Office in New Jersey told Business Insider that canceling listening sessions on these golf licenses remain pending, although no date is set.

New Jersey Law requires cancellation if a person has or is the main beneficiary of the alcohol license condemnation of a felony.

Although the three -club licenses of Donald Trump, the son, Sheikh Trump is still the main financial beneficiary of licenses through the Donald C fund. Trams is the cancellation.

Colts Neck and Bedminster sells alcohol under temporary licenses; Trump’s third license in New Jersey, Trump National Golf Club Philadelphia in Payne Hill, ends in June.

The Manhattan jurists in May condemned Trump of 34 charges of felony.

The jury found that during 2017, his first year in his position, Trump plotted with senior executives to falsify Trump’s records to hide a loud payment of $ 130,000, which led to the storm porn actress silence 11 days before the 2016 elections.

A summary came on Monday in response to a much older and more narrow question-whether a federal judge erred in July 2023 when he rejected a Trump’s efforts before the trial to transfer the case to the Federal Court.

In this case, Trump argued that the issue of money “involves important federal questions” because he was president at the time, the prosecutors say the records had been forged.

The American Partial Court judge differed two thousand K. Helperstein, and returned it to the State Court for trial. I found Helsh. Trump failed to demonstrate that the behavior he actually directed-to fuse business records to hide the boost of silence-related to any official acts as president.

The general prosecutors of the provincial lawyer Alfayen Prague did not respond after a summary on Monday, and he did not immediately respond to the request for comment. In September, they presented a summary of that Trump’s efforts to move the issue It came too late. In January, they made a notification that they are ready to appear before the court and participate in oral arguments before the Appeals Committee.

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