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Price Prediction

Bitcoin exchange flows indicate a change in the investor’s behavior – what is the next?

Bitcoin has recently seen a remarkable volatility, driven by significant developments in the market and investor activity. After a preliminary decrease in recent days, BTC has risen over $ 94,000 on Sunday.

This increase was fueled by reports on the upcoming US strategic coding reserves that include BTC and other main digital assets. However, starting today, BTC is trading just less than 93,000 dollars, indicating an unstable ascending momentum in the encryption market.

Amid this price movement, a recent analysis by analyst Cryptoquant Kriptobaykusv2 High An advanced pattern in the net stock flow in Bitcoin, providing an insight into investor morale. This data indicates that exchanging external flows and flows may play a decisive role in shaping the direction of bitcoin in the short term.

Bitcoin exchange flows and investor feeling

According to Kriptobaykusv2, on February 25, Bitcoin witnessed a significant flow of exchanges, with a deposit of about 8400 BTC. Historically, large flows indicate increased pressure pressure, as traders convey assets to exchanges in preparation for liquidation.

Bitcoin Exchang Netflow on all exchanges.

This was followed by a decrease in the price of bitcoin, as it is in line with the previous market trends, as the increase in the supply on the stock exchanges leads to descending price movements.

The next day, February 26, Bitcoin has seen a transformation, with a large amount of BTC from the stock exchanges. External flows usually indicate a preference for retaining, which reduces the supply available on the stock exchanges and perhaps supporting prices.

This shift coincided with the support of Bitcoin prices and the start of recovery, reflecting the investor’s confidence in the long -term prospects. Note the analyst:

In short, bitcoin exchange movements should be taken closely: significant flows of the stock exchanges may indicate an increase in the pressure pressure, which requires caution. On the other hand, important external flows indicate that investors choose to keep it, which may lead to prices. In the coming days, we will see how these trends continue.

Selling and marketing trends in the short term

At the same time, separate analysis By another encrypted analyst, Abramchart, indicates that bitcoin holders have begun to sell at a confusion. SOPR, which measures the profitability of investors in the short term, according to the analyst recently recorded a value of 0.95.

Bitcoin Stated.

This level, the lowest level since August 2024, indicates that more traders sell BTC at a loss, an indication of surrender. Historically, these periods followed the market recovery while facilitating the pressure of sale and the accumulation stages begin. Corpric analyst Books:

SOPH measures the Bitcoin portfolios that kept Bitcoin for more than an hour and less than 155 days. Values ​​above “1” indicate more short -term investors who sell with profit. The values ​​below refer to “1” to more short -term investors who sell a loss. It is a sign of surrender and return to an ascending direction.

Bitcoin (BTC) price scheme on TradingView

A distinctive image created with Dall-E, the tradingView chart

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